
Apr 13, 2004
This weekend I saw some pics of myself while in the air. It seems subconciously I am pushing the bike way forward in the air and my arms are basically straight with my rear end back towards the rear fender. I see a lot of other guys doing the same thing, but it seems like the faster guys are more neutral in the air and then landing more in the attack position, thus getting back on the throttle quicker. Just wondering if there's a proper way of doing this. Maybe it depends on the type of jump and landing.


Jun 1, 2005
I was just wodering if you ever raced BMX. This is the position a bike rider is when jumping. They also push the bike forward and suck the back end up with their legs. I know because I do this from time to time(it used to be all the time). The pros keep their bikes pinned all the way off of the face of most jumps. They have to stay way forward or the bike will loop out. If yu chop the throttle on the face of the jump the bike will naturally level out of nose dive. That's why you can push if forward and tuck.


Apr 17, 2002
Your position on the bike should gradually move more forward. Alot of beginner/novice riders (includes me) just jump with no plan as to what they are gonna do after they land. Being far back on the bike while in the air is good for landing or landing into a corner but if your planning to land on the gas then its the worst thing you can do. On jumps where I had already preplanned to accelerate upon landing I was naturally farther forward. Staying neutral allows for more corrections in the air. If you jump with weight back and your nose goes high there not much you can do to correct it. If your neutral then you can hit the rear brake or lean back.


Apr 13, 2004
never raced bmx...i used to case doubles a lot and go over the bars....maybe that is what it's from!


Dec 18, 2004
njkx said:
never raced bmx...i used to case doubles a lot and go over the bars....maybe that is what it's from!


Oh that is funny.

Attack the jump, neutral in the air, attack the landing.

If you are not aggressive on these things your not in control..
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