
Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I didn't post this in the product reviews section because I wanted the women's opinions specifically. What do you all wear and like? I currently have Fox Formas and am thinking about upgrading. The boots aren't really in bad shape and they fit ok, but after a really long ride they rub the side of my foot and I actually have callouses on the front of my ankles. It doesn't seem to matter what type of socks I wear. I think I want a nicer pair.

I have tried on Tech 6s, Tech 8s and Vectors. I kinda liked the Vectors but they're UGLY and they have a pretty thick, round toe--worried about ease of shifting. Sidis, Gaernes, and AXO RC-5s are also on my list. Tried on a friend's O'Neals and I don't think they fit my foot shape as well. I know Alpinestar makes the MSR boots, but if you line the two up together, I don't think the MSR version gets the same attention to detail the ones that carry the Alpinestar name do.

The problem is being able to try them all on before buying. Nobody carries a wide enough selection in size 6 to be able to comparison shop and I will NOT order them in without trying them on. As I still have functional boots and I will be putting them on layaway, I have been looking at the higher end products. After my Trackers I have decided that boots are one thing on which I will spare no expense.

So: what do you all wear? What size in women's shoes do you wear? What foot shape do you have? How have they worn in and held up? Thanks, all!


Oct 9, 2000
I wear the same as you do now, the Fox Formas. I love my boots. They fit me really well and aren't too worn out. My husband wears Alpinestar Tech 8's and he really loves them. He has one bad ankle so he needs the extra support. My feet are a little bigger than yours (9) :eek:, so I have the boots in a men's size 8. I think the best thing to do is go around to differnt shops (if your able) and try different ones on.

I hope you find something! :cool:


Aug 13, 1999
Tech 8's only thing I'll wear. I've heard others complain that they are stiff and heavy but, I don't do much walking in mine. They are a little stiff when new and I had to get used to the thick toe for shifting and the stiff ankle for braking but after about 3 rides they had softened up and I had gotten used to them. After using some 20 year old Hallman handmedowns, it was an adjustment.

This is my 3rd season with them and they are in great shape, even with the abuse I place on them. I need to replace the metal toe plate due to an encounter with the rock but I think the replacement piece was all of $8.00.

Normal shoes size 9.5 - 10 womens, Alpinestar Tech 8's size 9 mens cause I love my huge fluffy socks when it's cold out.


Mar 27, 2001
I currently am wearing a pair of wore out Alpinestars Tech 7. I recently purchased a pair of Alpinestars Tech 8, wore them once & sold them to a friend for $150 because I couldn't get used to them--couldn't shift or brake. Although after a conversation with Kiwi last weekend, he said that I didn't give them enough time to break in. I then purchased a pair of Alpinestars Tech 6 because I thought if they didn't have the little booties in them that I could get used to them--NOT! I now have a pair of Thor T20 that I am going to take back because they look too cheap--and they were. I am going to see if I can find out how to get ahold of Alpinestars and get a new pair of Tech 7. They lasted forever & the break-in period was minimal. I wear a size 7 in womens shoe, but 6 in mens boots.:think


Jun 29, 1999
Agree that the stiffer boots take some getting used to. Wearing tech 6's for the first few times after Trackers made me feel like I had a lump of wood in place of a foot. Almost no feel for braking or shifting at all. I got over it surprisingly quickly though, only 3 or 4 rides. The old Trackers feel like tennis shoes in comparison, and offer about as much protection.


Jan 10, 2000
t8's all the way

Go for the tech 8's. I was haveing problems with shifting my bike when I first got them. I moved the shift lever up to compensate and have loved them ever since.


President of Bling
N. Texas SP
Nov 3, 2000
I just got Tech 8's. Wore them for the first time yesterday. After about an hour's worth of riding I was used to them. I love them. My foot is wide and I wear a size 7 1/2 in mens shoes. I got a size 8 in techs, and they fit perfect. Also if your getting callases on your ankles, the tech 8's have the little bootie thing in them with this gel stuff that protects your ankle. Not only that this piece is replaceable, its ajustable (you can move them around in the pocket that holds the gel insert) to fit your ankle. I came from a pair of boots that were 8 years old and were a pain in the you know what to get off my feet. The tech 8's were so easy to get on and off. Anyways I love my boots.


Mar 27, 2001
bbbom, I couldn't think of asking to buy them back--she was too happy. But, you did give me an excellent idea. She likes her gear looking new so maybe after she breaks them in I'll see if I can trade her a new pair of Tech 8 for the broke in ones. :cool:


Sponsoring Member
Feb 16, 2001
Hemet, CA.

The MSR boots are virtual copies of TECH 7 boots. I`ve had about three sets and they hold up just as good as alpinestars. But my last pairof boots that I bought I had to get TECH 6`s. I needed them that day and they didnt have my size in the MSR boots. At first I didnt like how stiff they were but aftera couple rides and a GNCC they finally broke in. But I think the MSR boots have a tighter more secure feeling ankle area.
Well thats my 2c`s


Mar 27, 2001
mxbundy, thank you! That's exactly what I am looking for. Do you know what the MSR style is called that is like the Tech 7?

bbbom, you quack me up! :confused:


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
I've had a pair of AXO RC-3's that served me well for 5 years. I can't say if the RC-5's are still as good. I replaced a toe plate on one. The buckles are starting to break down, and the sole is getting chewed in a few places, so I decided to start looking for new boots as well. The dealer near me was very nice, and offered to order a couple pairs of Alpinestars to see if they fit. I tried on the M4's (too little padding, rubbed me wrong), the Tech 8's (nice, but as stiff as my ski boots!), and the Tech 6's. Just right! Good padding, good protection, decent price. Took a few rides to break in, but they've been very comfortable. This past weekend, I even soaked them down and had to ride for 2 days with wet feet, and didn't get any blisters or raw spots. I need to go in and waterproof them, as they didn't keep out water when standing in only a couple inches. I wear a Women's size 8 shoe, but felt that the A-stars size 7 fit best.


Dec 31, 1969
Don't count out SiDI...

I'm doing a review on the FlexForce (in SRS and regular soles)...
I've been a big fan of the Tech 8 since it was released (Tech 5's before that), but have got to say that my initial impression of the Force is VERY positive. It just may become my long term boot over the Tech 8.


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Okie, I'm sure that SIDI's are nice boots as well, but they don't seem to make their boots in the smaller adult sizes that we women usually wear. I think the last time I looked, the smallest adult size they offered was an 8. I could be wrong, and hope I am!


Sponsoring Member
Feb 16, 2001
Hemet, CA.


The boots you want are called System 6 or System X , the 6`s are for 2000 model and later and the X`s are the same boot but are the 2001 models.
Both by MSR.


Mrs. Vixen

Feb 11, 2001
I recently went shopping for boots and tried on the SIDIS Flex Force, The tech 6's and the Tech 8's. I wear a size 9/10 in ladies and was trying on 8's in mens. The buckles on the SIDIS are easier to operate than the Alpinestar buckles and the boot is less bulky. The Sidis didn't seem to fit quite right in the calf area for me though and wasn't quite as comforatble as the Alpinestar tech 8's. It seemed like the plastic on the SIDIS dug into my calves. The tech 6's didn't seem to be as comfy as the tech 8's either. I guess I just like that extra cushion around the ankle. The store didn't have any Gaernes to try on. I will probably purchase the Tech 8's though, because the guy at the shop said he couldn't remember ever selling a pair to a woman before!


Aug 13, 1999
Originally posted by Mrs. Vixen
I will probably purchase the Tech 8's though, because the guy at the shop said he couldn't remember ever selling a pair to a woman before!

That's funny!! When I bought my Tech 8's 2 years ago I bought them from the shop Karl was managing. His comment then was "Tech 8's huh, I wanna ride with you!" Little did he know what he was in for. It took me a year to get rid of the guy I was seeing then and to actually get to go riding with Karl but since then ..........:cool:

You are also right about the buckles, they are a little tough to operate but after a few times you get them figured out. I really like the protection of the Tech 8's, where we ride it's the hidden obstacles that can really hurt your foot. I remember a ride up at Batey Bould and everyone had smacked their toe on a big rock, I hit it too but, my foot was fine. It sold me!


Jan 17, 2001
Thanks for all the great info!! I, too, have been trying on several different types of boots. I have tried Tech 6, Tech 8, Gaerne, Axo, Vector, and Answer boots. I really liked the Tech 8's, however, I have a problem justifying the price (for me). I also really liked the Tech 6's, and will probably go with them. I did not care for the Axo's or the Answer's---too uncomfortable!

Since I currently have Thor's, any boot would be an upgrade, however, I recently had 2 incidents that has made me seriously think I better do it sooner rather than later. I caught my foot between a root and a rock and smashed it pretty good. The boots did not protect it much, and it hurt for several days. I also, last weekend, hit a large tree stump hard enough to knock my foot off the peg and that hurt like hell!! I definitely see a good pair of boots in my near future!!

Thanks again for the info!!


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000

Make sure to try on the Fox Forma Comp's!! Anne - I noticed that your list was pretty long - but didn't include the Forma's. They are the same price as the Tech-6's but have at least two benefits over them:

1) They have the bootie thingie inside (not removeable like Tech-8's though) but make the boot very comfortable and give a little extra support and cushion

2) Their sole will outlast the Tech-6 sole hands down. The Tech-8's and 6's have a problem with the sole chunking away from the pegs, kick starter, brake lever, normal wear, etc. after as few as two or three rides. You can do a search in the product review forum and flame forum and see that there are many unhappy people. For all that money - and you need to get them re-soled! I have had my Forma's since Sept. '99 and still no signs of wear on the sole (and I ride at least once a week).

Just another boot to consider - I have been very pleased!! :confused:

Oh - I wear a 7.5 in womens shoes and my boots are a 7 in mens (with an extra gel cusion insert in the boot) and I only wear one pair of riding socks with them. In Alpinestars - I think I wore a 6 though.
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Apr 11, 2000
Gaerne SG1

I just wanna add my .02 cents worth...

Please have a look at the Gaerne SG1 boots. They are slightly cheaper than Alpinstar Tech 6 boots. They are VERY comfortable and of EXCELLENT quality. I purchased a pair a week ago and very happy with them. They are much better quality than fox. my previous boots were fox. Just the buckles alone are a joy compare to the fox.


Feb 4, 2001
I just went to the annual Fox parking lot sale at the Morgan Hill headquarters today and bought an all black pair of Fox Forma Comp boots :). I have been wearing the same Gaernes for the past 5 years and they are still in good shape, except this year they finally got too soft at the ankle and they started to bug me. The Gay Nares as my friend Ryan calls them, as they are white leather with hot pink :scream: plastic (until the black permanent marker) men's boots and were closeout for $100. They have been excellent boots and have served me well. I would have bought another pair if I did not find such a deal on the Fox boots. In the past the way my friends broke in a pair of boots was to soak then in water and go out and ride them dry. Does this hold true with the new generation of boots? My Gay Nares were uncomfortable the first 2 rides and then on the third ride it rained like hell and the boots got soaked and have fit my foot well ever since. Coincidence? :think
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Mar 27, 2001
Re: Boots

Originally posted by mxbundy

The boots you want are called System 6 or System X , the 6`s are for 2000 model and later and the X`s are the same boot but are the 2001 models.
Both by MSR.

mxbundy, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!:)
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