bottom end?


May 9, 2006
Some of you know i just rebuilt my first top end...

Heres what i found:
Piston was broke, whole back skirt was broke
Cylinder obviously needed to be replated so that is on its way in
Tope end gaskets were bought to obviously replace the old.

heres my question.
As for bottom end what do i need to do while the motor is pulled apart?
Shound i completly tear it down or can i just check it on the bike?
Where would the metal be from the piston?

(p.s. its a 1992 kx250)


Oct 12, 2003
There is no way I would reassemble an engine after a piston shattered inside it without splitting the cases. It's the only way to be sure you have all of the debris cleaned out.

Since it's a Kawie, you have to split the cases to replace the crank seals, so while you have it apart, it would be a smart move to go ahead and stick new seals in there... :cool: