
Oct 28, 2001
A buddy just gave me a handfull of B8ES plugs and I was wondering if anyone knew if they would be alright to run in my 02 KDX 200. I know Kawi says BR8ES, But a handfull of plugs??? How can I resist. Will this hurt performance or worse? Any help greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Obie#8 ;)


May 3, 2002
R = resistor

I have run them both ways. Supposidely the R keeps interference from the electronics, but never have had any problems.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Originally posted by RanMan
No difference......unless you start getting noise in your radio :)

A bit of a blanket statement with no technical reasoning to give someone who is seeking assurance he is making the right choice in using a product.

Originally posted by Rich Rohrich
I consider it pretty foolish to save a few cents on non-resistor plugs and put you CDI at risk. Of course that won't keep the cheapskates of the world from using them anyway.

That is taken from this thread and may be worth a look for you. another thread on this topic that may help you is found here

Bottom line can you do it? Yes, Should you? your call.

Jim Crenca

Mar 18, 2001
I've been foolishly running the non resistor (for 2 years) thinking that resistance can't help the spark. I've yet to have a problem but there appears to be a chance of damage from not having the resistive load on the output side of the ignition (current thread in advance tech). I changed back.


May 22, 2002
Chili.........no harm intended. Just thought it would be a humorous way of telling my point. If it could cause any trouble, I wasn't aware of it. Guess I need to check into what Jim Crenca said. Learn something every day.


Oct 14, 1999
Resistive plugs (or caps, or whatever) don't act as a 'load' to the ignition system. The purpose of them is to eliminate radiated electrical noise that comes from the field collapsing in the sparky wire. Turns the system into a broadcasting 'antenna'......that broadcast possibly hosing the electrics operation in your CDI. Much more likely to be an interruption in proper CDI output as opposed to actual damage to the CDI unit.

Still, considering other environmental issues the CDI has to deal with (as does everything else on a dirtbike)...heat, moisture, vibration and such, why not help it out where you can? You could keep your bike under a blanket in the garage. That would help out on the former three. If that's not an option, keeping your CDI out of an electromagnetic bath might be a wise choice.

Other than that....run an 'EG' (nickel) plug anyway. Or something more exotic in nature..platinum, iridium or gold palladium. Not all alloys available in all heat ranges.

Note that jeremy is the faster of the two..and runs the fine wire plug!! ('thassa joke, son)
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