sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
so anyway while at the doc i figured i'd get my monies worth. you know, i come clean with the doc, like your head mechanic, anyway i request the brain damage assesment, not for stupid and such you know, reflexes and all. SHOW'enough we figure the monkey in my head, at the controls has a lil' twitch or sumpin. i knew that damn cop saw something. but all is good, i'm still perfectly normal, socially well adjusted and treat midgets and old farts with respect. i seem to have some thing tho, not as bad as the dude frome "men in black" but enough to use as a credible defense in any future court proceedings or something that might get me voted off the island camp fire for tribal missbehavior. best of all, it's now documented. sa-weet, i was going for the fat like homer simpson for americans with disabilities thing but i'm thinking this might be the big pay off. a couple more hare scrambleds and it's a druel cup and a lil' rascall for me. there ya go thump, then you'll have your moment to settle the power washer score. :thumb: to me, the big guy


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
I forgot about the power washer thing.... I just made a list and you are number 1 on it. Hey look at that Sarge finally podiumed at something he's first on the payback list. LOL

No worries bro, even though you're screwed in the head your still the cats meow.


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
Originally posted by Thump
No worries bro, even though you're screwed in the head your still the cats meow.

Doesn't it make more sense to say he's meow'd in the head and screws the cat?
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