Oct 26, 2001
i was watching tv and a video game commercial came on for the game cube. i began thinking(first in a long time) i wouldn't buy anything but a honda but video games i buy anything if i think it would be fun i don't care if i get sony microsoft or nintendo but i wondered are there people who DO care about what brand video game they buy i also didn't get why we are brand loyal i mean i will buy alpinestars and maybe a fox chest protector but i will always buy a bell helmet and msr pants and jerseys so i am brand loyal to bell and msr but i could care less about basically everything else other than my bike on brand. anybody understand what i am sayin?


Oct 26, 2001
come on guys can't u at least say i am a dumbcrap and tell me u don't know what the heck i am sayin?:moon: :whiner:


Jun 2, 2001
I think a lot of it is just marketing hype! What's hot now and what's not. Yes diff bikes have different advantages, but you see all brands on the podium! I'm sure that for some people, they feel they have to be brand loyal. Maybe the product has always performed well for them, or perhaps it's just cool to have brand X right now! Hopefully when we are brand loyal in anything it's for the first reason!!

My $.02!



Oct 26, 2001
i am brand loyal to honda because they are nice my dad used to sell them and i have never had a problem with one msr because malcolm smith is awesome and i think it's nice lookin
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