Breezy Hill


Mar 2, 2000
Now this is just My opinion ( C class rider) of Breezy hill race. Now I know that it has been a little while since I last raced. But this race was not set up to be Fun or to where every one can finish the race
I was on row 42 which wasnt to bad the trails looked OK but I felt a little more time spent clearing and marking hazards was needed. The part of the race that Im upset about is the two excessively tight sections before the gas stop ( Dead Rabbit Sections ) Now if I was a class A or B it might have been fun. But for a Class C Open and my son ( Class Jr Open ) whom this was his first race It was to &$*$*&$$ Tight . My son gave up at the second tight section . In the past this was a great Starter race But that is now blown to Heck. And I threw in the towel just after . I did continue to the gas stop at least and gave up there. I do hope that next year will be back to the way this race was.


Dec 6, 1999
I thought it was an excellent race (SSB rider). The course was a challenge and the check placement was good. I think what you rode yesterday was a real Enduro and last year's race was just too easy; more like a fun run. You have to lay out a race to challenge every class or all the AA's will just zero the whole thing. I was on row 01 and some of the new trail was hard to follow. My only real complaint was not having somebody to wave you down at a few road turn-offs where you had a lot of speed going and the arrows were hard to see in the dust.


Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999
I thought the race was great! Yes those two sections were tight but that's all part of riding an enduro. There has to be "point taking" sections throughout the race or else how would you separate the riders. Everyone would be looking at their computers all day and finish with a zero. In my opinion, I enjoy the tighter sections (as long as they don't drag on forever). It's a challenge for me get through there as fast as I can.

I can understand your feelings about this being your sons first race and how discouraged he was but you can't change the lay out to accomodate everyone. Yes it was difficult to get through but everyone else had to go through there as well.

I don't mean this ugly but where does it say an enduro has to be set up so everyone can finish. What would the point of a race like that be?
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Jul 26, 1999
I thought the race was excellant. I'm glad that they put the two toughest sections before the gas stop. That gave us a chance to hit the challenge while we were fresh instead of going on a timed 50 mile trail ride and then having to ride 25 miles of tight woods around noon (when it's really HOT!)

I'm sorry that you were disappointed in the race. Sounds to me that what you were looking for was a "Family" enduro. The type that are designed specifically for beginners.

I thought that the club did a great job with the course, and the schedule. We were able to get a great race in before 12:30. It was certainly worth the 8 hour drive.

Here's what was posted on the SERA e-mail group this morning:

I just wanted to congradulate the Breezy Hill club for such a fine event. This had to be their best ever. They challanged us without killing us in the heat. I was wondering how they did that and one of the club members pointed out the free territory before the resets. This gave the riders time to cool down before stopping. I have always hated riding hard and then the sudden stop. You burn up. This gave your body time to cool off while easy riding.
Once again , Thanks For such a fun event.
Dwight Rudder
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Jan 2, 2002
Hang in there KTM Lunatic, sounds like your disapointed for your son more than anything. After the gas stop the trail was pretty open with only a couple short tight sections. I can't ride that 24 mph average though, thats what gets me, but I'm a slow C-225 rider.

That was my 3rd enduro, just finishing is a big deal to me. You and your son come to our enduro in Laurel. I think the C cutoff is around 40 miles..


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by CNM
I don't mean this ugly but where does it say an enduro has to be set up so everyone can finish. What would the point of a race like that be?

I've ridden (but I recall doing way more pushing) enduros where only seven riders finished. The one I attempted this past Sunday had to be one of the tougher enduros I've ever attempted, that wasn't hampered by bad weather. Of course my conditioning (or lack of) was responsible for the mental mistakes that I made.

The attached picture was taken at an area known as the ledges. These guys all tangled are A riders. Only 13 riders made it through this section clean, meaning they didn't crash, stall, collapse or puke their guts out. Needless to say I didn't make it that far.

BTW Timr, when are you going to come up here and ride a NETRA enduro. The King Phillip is a Nat'l this year on Sept. 15th.


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Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
Woods rider- Those are the kind of races I enjoy. I never do any good but I like the challenge. Anyone with practise can go out and go round and round an prepped mx track that they know like the back of their hand, Enduros are a true test.

Ktm Lunmatic=I'm sorry your son didn't enjoy himself. Tell him it was a "true " enduro and that almost everyone that rides them has had a DNF before. Tell him not to give up. My son(11 years old) is getting ready for his first enduro this fall.


Jul 26, 1999
I still want to get up there for an event. We have a SERA enduro on Sept. 15. Looks like I'm going to have hang close to the house for a while.

I've ridden lots of enduros that I didn't finish. In fact, I think I only finished about 50% of the enduros that I entered in the first season that I raced. Every beginner's goal should be to just finish.

I'm not sure why some guys get hung up on speed averages. It doesn't matter if you can ride 24-mph or not. It only matters how close to 24-mph you can ride that section. That's what causes you to loose points, and the more points that the event takes from everyone, the more chance you have to win. Low scores cause lots of rider's to be bunched up together on the results and then things like tie-breakers that were the "going in" check determine who wins what.

Woods, I remember the 1987 Caney Creek enduro where only 7 guys finished!! I didn't ride it, but I was living in Houston at the time. I rode the "Family" enduro earlier that year in March, and it was a muddy ugly mess!!! It was GREAT fun. I houred out at the 24 mile marker. I was only 15 years old. That was my first enduro.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
justql, Timr - My goal is to ride that entire enduro next year. Maybe not within my hour, but I'm going to definitely ride the whole thing. Guess I better start working out.

Timr - Plenty of enduros and a few Turkey Runs are still left this year. Isn't it time for a New England vacation, yet? Fall is excellent for doing some leaf-peeping. ;)


Sep 20, 1999
hey lunatic, i'm sorry that you & your son didn't have a good time, but i think their unpredictability is 1 of the things that make enduros so much fun. believe me, it is hard to lay them out to suit everyone--easy enough for the kids & beginners to have a good time, but hard enough for the a's & aa's to be challenged & drop some points, & any plan you make can be spoiled by the weather. it amazed me when i started doing them how much difference there was between my ability & that of the really fast guys.

i made the same mistake, i bet big that it'd be like last year, with lots of nice rests b/c of the heat. i therefore rode hard early, making big withdrawals from the energy bank, figuring i coulde make deposits later. but i crashed my brains out in that sunny section of short pines, & that took alot out of me. i had cramps in muscles that i didn't know existed. i never quite recovered completely after that, even tho the terrain was easier after that, so i didn't do all that well. the organizers got me! but i had fun (well, most of it was fun, exc. for the cramps on the drive home), & i'll be back next year.

& lunatic, i hope you & your son will stick with it, it's just like anything else, the more you do, the easier it gets. i'll second the advice above, too, laurel was 1 of the easier 1s the last time i did it, but remember, it's an enduro, so you never know!
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Smokin Joe

Sponsoring Member
Apr 21, 2000

Is that pic from the Mud Slinger Enduro? I got back into riding in '97 when I was riding in Western Mass. Got an 86 Honda XL 600 and let me tell ya, what a PIG in the New England woods!! I got a couple of years worth of NETRA videos... they sure are a hoot. They sure blow people's minds down here who have never seen the swill holes with rocks, swamps and mud!!! ;)


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Joe - That's right! It's the Mudslinger which was renamed the Lip Flapper this year. It was the first time I attempted this enduro. I knew it was going to be tough and they suckered me with an easy (to me) first section where I only dropped 4 points. I should have taken a clue from some of the riders that dropped 6 to 8 points and conserved their energy for the second section... yeah right, that's my excuse! :scream:


Mar 2, 2000
Yes, All Of you are Right . And yes Im more upset for my son than me. Im sure I would have finished the race if my son was not there or did not drop out . And Lawman I did the same thing you did Maybe showing off to my son a little but I to rode too hard at the start , So I had to pay the price in the test sections. Please dont get me wrong I enjoy a challenging race, Its just I lead myself to beleive that it was going to be like last year . The race was well done I will be more prepaired next year.

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
KTM-Lunatic: I feel your concern for your son. this last weekend my son & I rode our first family enduro, the "pinecone". jr's bike over heated just ten miles in to it:<( talking about a unhappy camper! but he's hooked and I'll just have to do a better job at preping his bike next time! just stick with it!


Aug 8, 2002
I am surprised at how many people were so happy with this race. I talked to quite a few after the race that were not happy at all. First I understand that you have to have sections to seperate A riders. That is why every great enduro I can remember had a third loop that the short course riders did not have to ride. Running 2 tight test sections back to back early takes all the fun out of the race for riders like me that can't ride and train very often due to work. Once you are worn out it doesn't matter how great the conditions get it is just not fun anymore. I have always loved this race even some years when it was a little too easy. I hope they will either run the race in a cooler month or go back to 3 loops so the short course and beginners can have some fun.


Sep 30, 2001
I wish that I was there. I think I fell down and couldn't get up when riding a local motoX track.

KTM-Lunatic - don't give up. Most of all let your son know that there are alot of 30 and 40 year old (and older) "he men" that cry-for-mama on the side of the trail - me being one of them at a recent MS race. And I've seen plenty young studs never make it to the gas stop.

Then there is CNM, the epidome of determination in the true definition of the word. She may not remember me but I have watched her fight and make it through sections where alot of others got trashed, and finish --- and that my fellow riders is what an enduro is all about! Some people are just born to inspire.

Timr - hmmm, you've been hanging around the house alot lately. Are you doing any trail riding? Maybe Clanton needs a little warm up.

Woodsrider - does Timr's New England invite extend to fellow gas gassers?



Jul 26, 1999

I rode this race, first time I've been on my bike since I saw you at Gulfport. A little Clanton trail ride may be a possiblity here in the next few weeks. Since I saw you, I've moved into a different house. Every free moment has been spent either on moving are doing renevation work on the new house. The next few weekends are already booked. I am going to try to ride the Rockford Enduro. Are you going to do that one?


Sep 30, 2001

The Rockford enduro is the plan. I am also going to try to be ready for the race in MS at the end of this month. I am healing up from a crash and a wisdom tooth extraction which was severely infected - ouch! I think I can get my helmet on after a week of being a pumpkin head :scream: . I am also waiting on a part for my bike. Glad to see you finished your race.



Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by sharp
Woodsrider - does Timr's New England invite extend to fellow gas gassers?
It's open to any DRN'r! ;)


Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999

Thanks for the compliment! I've had my share of time on the side of the trail in tears and throwing out some four letter words. Isn't it funny how riding motorcycles and cussing kind of go together! ;)

This is my third full season of racing enduro's. The first year, I finished one race. Last season, I finished four out of eight. This year I've finished four out of five so far. I almost never get the chance to ride other than races which is why it's taken me years to get my endurance where it is now. It's been a slow progression to say the least.

I'll be at the race in Laurel also. Look me up and say hey! Are you bringing a candy bar? (See I do remember you)


Sep 30, 2001

Yep you do remember - that was me ;) at Rockford. I always make it a point to bring extra food after that! See ya in Laurel!



May 22, 2002
I've just gotten into enduro's and harescrambles. The hardest one for me was Clanton a few months ago. Only fifty miles, but talking about "tight". Not complaining though. I enjoyed it. Only wished I could have finished it. I went down twice and hurt my wrist the second time and had to call it quits when I got to the gas stop. Bummer....Oh yea, didn't help that I left my boots at home and had to borrow someone's (that didn't fit too well). Sure was nice of him though. My son also races and loves it. We ride SERA events mainly, but attend SETRA events when they are local. Maybe I'll have the chance to meet some of you fellow riders at the upcoming events. Until then.....


Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999
Ran Man,

I know what you mean about Clanton. It's the one DNF I've had this year. You can always count on that race being really tough but also fun. I'm not to hard to spot at the races. A red XR200 with DRN stickers on the front fender. If you see me, please say hi!


May 22, 2002
I'm usually not too hard to spot either. Not many folks riding DRZ250's out there. I'll keep an eye out.
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