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- Jun 9, 1999
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Once again we are organizing our 17th annual charity Hare Scramble. As always this is a really fun event and the proceeds go to really good causes.
First, I would like to invite any DRN member to the race. If you do make it, please introduce yourself at the sign up table.
Second, part of our race day schedule is the post race raffle. Items are small dirt bike related items, like oils, goggles, etc.
If you have anything to donate please send to my address listed on the flyer.
As always, thank you for your help in our charity endeavor.
Information is listed below:
Hank Denney Club Members,
We hope you will be able to participate in the 17th Hank Denney Play Race. The event is held each year so that we may all get together to enjoy a day of riding and bench racing. We also hope to initiate some new members to our club. This non points paying Hare Scramble type event is being run in Hank’s memory. Many of the riders participating will remember Hank as a motorcyclist who enjoyed nothing more than a day in the woods with his friends – RACING, DICING, AND TELLING STORIES AT THE END OF THE DAY- we intend to do the same.
We now have over 100 HANK DENNEY MOTORCYCLE CLUB MEMBERS. We would like to continue to add new members each year while at the same time keeping this club at a reasonable number. To do this, each member may invite one new rider to join our club. You would be their sponsor and you will need to be with them at sign up.
Each year our group of friends and riders has done well with our charitable donation from our day of fun. To date, our group has made donations to local Fire Departments, Scouting, Cancer Research, Veterans Hospitals and Scholarship Programs to name a few. In keeping with the spirit of our event, once again the proceeds will go to those who need our assistance.
This year’s race will be held at the same location as last year. Our friend Jack James has offered the use of his family’s farm again to host our event. If you rode last year you will remember the trail was in great shape and we expect it to be just as good this year.
This year’s race format will be two separate races. The first race will have two classes, one for “mini’s”, and one for true “C” riders or beginners. The second race will also have two classes, one for “A” riders, and a class for “AA” riders.
The race schedule should go like this:
RACE DATE: SUNDAY, November 10, 2013
Sign up begins at 9:00a.m. All riders and non-riders must sign the waiver form.
You may begin riding at 9:30 a.m. There will be no parade lap.
Mini’s and Beginners race at 11:30 a.m. One hour race.
“A” and “AA” race at 1:00 p.m. One hour race.
*At the conclusion of the races we will be having a cookout. Trophy presentation following the cook out.
Please remember this land belongs to Jack’s Family and we are allowed to ride on it the day of the race only. Please stay on the marked trail only. Be cautious of all warning markers. Sorry, No pit bikes, and No pit racing. Pick up all of your trash: if you brought it in, you take it out. Remember, we are guests.
The cost for this event will be $15.00 - These charges will be to cover club expenses, food, etc. All remaining monies after expenses will be donated to charity.
We would like to thank House of Honda of Fort Wayne, In. with helping to sponsor this event.
For more info: Jeff Mullendore 260-244-3686 home phone
800-613-6131 ext 4116work phone
574-453-8313 cell phone
[email protected]
NOTE: If you remember from last year we have no:
Water – Restrooms – Insurance - Concession Stand - Ambulance
(however, I do hope to a have Registered Nurse in attendance)
But we do have: LOTS OF FUN
Hope to see you race day,
Jeffrey L. Mullendore
NAME __________________________________ AGE ________
ADDRESS _____________________________________________
CITY________________________ STATE ________ ZIP _______
PHONE ___________________ EMAIL _____________________
MOTORCYCLE __________________________ SIZE _________
CLASS (CHECK ONE) AA ______ A______ C______Mini_______
In signing this release I absolve the land owner, club promoters and all individuals for any
injury or inconvenience resulting from my joining, and participating in this event. I understand that
motorcycle riding presents hazards. I further certify that the entrant and the entrant’s equipment are reasonably prepared for this event and that the entrant will exercise due caution while participating
in this day of club activities.
ENTRANTS SIGNATURE ___________________________
PARENTS SIGNATURE _____________________________
Directions: 19205 State Road 37, Harlan, Indiana
Once again we are organizing our 17th annual charity Hare Scramble. As always this is a really fun event and the proceeds go to really good causes.
First, I would like to invite any DRN member to the race. If you do make it, please introduce yourself at the sign up table.
Second, part of our race day schedule is the post race raffle. Items are small dirt bike related items, like oils, goggles, etc.
If you have anything to donate please send to my address listed on the flyer.
As always, thank you for your help in our charity endeavor.
Information is listed below:
Hank Denney Club Members,
We hope you will be able to participate in the 17th Hank Denney Play Race. The event is held each year so that we may all get together to enjoy a day of riding and bench racing. We also hope to initiate some new members to our club. This non points paying Hare Scramble type event is being run in Hank’s memory. Many of the riders participating will remember Hank as a motorcyclist who enjoyed nothing more than a day in the woods with his friends – RACING, DICING, AND TELLING STORIES AT THE END OF THE DAY- we intend to do the same.
We now have over 100 HANK DENNEY MOTORCYCLE CLUB MEMBERS. We would like to continue to add new members each year while at the same time keeping this club at a reasonable number. To do this, each member may invite one new rider to join our club. You would be their sponsor and you will need to be with them at sign up.
Each year our group of friends and riders has done well with our charitable donation from our day of fun. To date, our group has made donations to local Fire Departments, Scouting, Cancer Research, Veterans Hospitals and Scholarship Programs to name a few. In keeping with the spirit of our event, once again the proceeds will go to those who need our assistance.
This year’s race will be held at the same location as last year. Our friend Jack James has offered the use of his family’s farm again to host our event. If you rode last year you will remember the trail was in great shape and we expect it to be just as good this year.
This year’s race format will be two separate races. The first race will have two classes, one for “mini’s”, and one for true “C” riders or beginners. The second race will also have two classes, one for “A” riders, and a class for “AA” riders.
The race schedule should go like this:
RACE DATE: SUNDAY, November 10, 2013
Sign up begins at 9:00a.m. All riders and non-riders must sign the waiver form.
You may begin riding at 9:30 a.m. There will be no parade lap.
Mini’s and Beginners race at 11:30 a.m. One hour race.
“A” and “AA” race at 1:00 p.m. One hour race.
*At the conclusion of the races we will be having a cookout. Trophy presentation following the cook out.
Please remember this land belongs to Jack’s Family and we are allowed to ride on it the day of the race only. Please stay on the marked trail only. Be cautious of all warning markers. Sorry, No pit bikes, and No pit racing. Pick up all of your trash: if you brought it in, you take it out. Remember, we are guests.
The cost for this event will be $15.00 - These charges will be to cover club expenses, food, etc. All remaining monies after expenses will be donated to charity.
We would like to thank House of Honda of Fort Wayne, In. with helping to sponsor this event.
For more info: Jeff Mullendore 260-244-3686 home phone
800-613-6131 ext 4116work phone
574-453-8313 cell phone
[email protected]
NOTE: If you remember from last year we have no:
Water – Restrooms – Insurance - Concession Stand - Ambulance
(however, I do hope to a have Registered Nurse in attendance)
But we do have: LOTS OF FUN
Hope to see you race day,
Jeffrey L. Mullendore
NAME __________________________________ AGE ________
ADDRESS _____________________________________________
CITY________________________ STATE ________ ZIP _______
PHONE ___________________ EMAIL _____________________
MOTORCYCLE __________________________ SIZE _________
CLASS (CHECK ONE) AA ______ A______ C______Mini_______
In signing this release I absolve the land owner, club promoters and all individuals for any
injury or inconvenience resulting from my joining, and participating in this event. I understand that
motorcycle riding presents hazards. I further certify that the entrant and the entrant’s equipment are reasonably prepared for this event and that the entrant will exercise due caution while participating
in this day of club activities.
ENTRANTS SIGNATURE ___________________________
PARENTS SIGNATURE _____________________________
Directions: 19205 State Road 37, Harlan, Indiana