Sep 5, 1999
CMN & Red man, Clanton was a real rough one and i had almost forgoten
it. I was trying to though. Hope to see some of yall at Laurel.
I was going to talk real bad about the Breezy hill race but now after
remembering the Clanton race it just doesnt seam as bad!


Jun 11, 2001
Now if you want to test your skills at a "real" enduro attend the 2003 Train Robber's National near Hot Springs, Arkansas. You will leave there knowing that you have attended a true enduro and got your moneys worth as well. The Breezy Hill Enduro is a great event and I am one that is sorry that they rejected sanctioning from the Texas and BJEC circuits because they did not want to have too many riders there! It truely is a good event, but it does not challenge ones abilities through all sorts of terrain.
Stay in there and keep riding. Everyone has been right where you and your son are now. EVERYONE. Keep riding and soon you will come to not even think of houring out. You will think about the terrain and time more. Why your suspension isn't working properly or what you have to do to beat your competitor. See you at the races!


Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999
You mean it will be more difficult than this year..... :eek:

I was just glad to see the finish. I didn't care what my score was.


May 22, 2002
I felt ok about my results at Clanton. I had dropped 8 minutes by the time I had to quit at the gas stop. I heard the second half was tougher than the first.
Pretty sure my score would have been ALOT different then. Not gonna make it to Laurel. Going to SC (SETRA) first and second week in September and Rockford in the middle of the month.


Aug 26, 2002
CNM, I know what you mean, the third loop of the race in Bismark was some of the gnarliest terrain I can remember, or wait was it the first loop. Never the less, it was also a good tough and technical race. By the way for those of you who had trouble at Breezy Hill, if you would have rode Arkansas, you wouldn't remember Breezy Hill. Take a look at the SERA scores and you will realize that if you finished the long course you made the SERA top 40. How is that for an Enduro?

Be safe all, ride what you can and hope to see you on the trail.


Jun 11, 2001
ENDURO Riders: You guys are old enough to know better! These events are "fun" events. We just put these test sections in to slow the young guns down. The real enduro riders know where these sections can be located and we pace ourselves! Lets use Breezy Hill and Train Robbers as our examples.
Everyone think of BH as a nice family enduro event, so they go out and blast through the race and get worn down when the test sections arrive. But at TR they know they are going to get pounded so they ride a conservative race so they can finish. That's the way you should ride every event regardless of its nature. You never know when a trailmaster is going to suck you in.
No, the 5th annual Train Robbers 2003 will not be harder. But ut will test your enduro riding skills. Matching your time keeping abilities to riding the terrain. We have got some real nice new stuff to offer you, the enduro rider. Hope to see you all there. As a National it will be be good to have thie type event back in the south and to have it well attended for AMA. See you at the races.


Aug 26, 2002
Peoman, did the AMA council already vote on the nationals for next year? I didnt think they met until September. Just curious. I am looking forward to next years event anyway, I enjoyed the heck of this years TR and BH, and you are absolutely right. You got watch them trailmasters, most of these guys are seasoned racers, with a little sinister side added in for good measure.

Hope to see you all their.


Jun 11, 2001
No, the AMA has not yet met. However, they are short events in all categories and the riders are wanting to add new venues. So we are basing our assumption --a bad deal already -- on those facts and thinking that any club that is willing, able and has a good event already should get National status. I hope we get it don't you?
I certainly didn't mean to over step our bounds in annoucing that we are going to be a National for 2003. I guess I should have said we have applied to be a National for 2003. At any rate, we will still have the 5th annual Train Robbers Enduro @ Bismark, Arkansas in 2003. Hope to see all of you "real" enduro riders there. TR, where men are men and MX is for kids. Yeh, arh, arh, the Toolman says! later dudes and dudettes.


Aug 26, 2002

That is cool, I will be there national or not, I know they are short, I just thought I had missed something. This last race was great and I am looking forward to another. By the way two of my buddies are in your club, they are from the Memphis area. You can probably guess who they are.

See you on the trail.

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