broken leg


Apr 4, 2002
:yeehaw: I just broke my femur 4 weeks ago, 4 inches above my knee. I did not get a cast and am walking short distances with out any crutches and using a single crutch the rest of the time. I am able to bend my knee about 90 degrees. I expect to start riding about 8 weeks after my injury. Does any one else have a recovery time frame? 8 to 12 weeks after a broken leg seems about right.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Originally posted by ktmrandy
I expect to start riding about 8 weeks after my injury.

must be nice. when i broke my femur, i was in the hospital for 6+ weeks, then a body cast for two months. you must have had a clean break with no complications. i assume they put a rod in that is not going to be removed. i wouldn't push it, wait until you get the doctor's okay. the last thing you want to do is to have to start over.

why don't i ever get the "easy" ones? :whiner: i broke my lower leg july 13 and i'm still on crutches and not yet allowed to bear any weight. i don't expect to be riding again until january.


Apr 4, 2002
I was run into by a guy on a honda 600 trail riding. He was riding too fast to stay on his side of the trail about 35mph. As I was sitting at the side of the trail afterwards, trying to move my foot, I could see it was a clean break. I got a pin that probably will not be removed, depending on complications. I am suposed to be at 50% weight bearing but that seems to be to easy. I am using one crutch which puts me at 60% most of the time but walk with out crutches just a big limp for 10 minutes each day. I see the doctor next week for x-rays and I am expecting him to put me on full weight bearing. Good luck on your recovery. How did you break yours?


Jul 24, 2002
I broke my femur June 9th, and started riding about 3-4 weeks ago. So it took me about 4 months to feel comfortable riding. The leg is still very weak and im going to physio 2 times a week.

Im pretty sure you wont be riding at 8 weeks after the injury, femur breaks are the worst bone to break, and 8 weeks is WAY too quick to get back on the horse. If you fell you would risk re-injuring the bone, and when your knee is at 90 degrees, if u bend it more then that, it will hurt BAD! Beleive me I did it! :cool:


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
I broke mine 12 weeks to the day today!

I can walk, but still have a limp. My hips kinda **** sideways when I do. It doesnt hurt anymore, but after being non-weight bearing for 6 weeks and being so old, my muscles suck now. I had total atrophy in my quad, hamstring, and the one that runs on the side of your thigh. Im finally down to 2 times a week in PT from 3 for the last 10 weeks.

Ha! At 4 weeks, I was just back to work on a walker like an old phart. Dont reinjure that thing man and listen to what the docs tell you. It would suck to have to re-do all of the work you have to this point.

How old are you anyway?


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Originally posted by Milk
after being non-weight bearing for 6 weeks and being so old, my muscles suck now

how funny, you, old. :o what are you, 28?

i just checked ktmrandy's profile. he's older than me!
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Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
Damn, he must be a fast healer or he didnt break it in two pieces. Yessir, Ima be 28 soon. :)

Is it better to break it in half or have a hairline in the femur?


Apr 4, 2002
:flame: I'm 46 years old. I broke the same leg 14 years ago but it was 6 inches above my ankle. That took 6 months to heal but it was a compound fracture with 2 operations and two casts. This time I feel pretty good since there was no cast I had no down time. I am ready to start riding my bicycle. I see the doctor monday and hopefully he will say it is ok. Since I have been through this before I know when and how to be careful until I am fully healed. I am optomistic about being able to ride in November. This is my third broken bone and I am getting used to the recovery. I had 1/5th of my lungs removed last year from lung cancer. that took a year to be back up to speed. I have a real hard time staying off my dirt bike.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
damn, way to go, ironman. :worship:


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
Hehe. And Ithought i did well in therapy today balancing and throwin' a ball into a trampoline. :)

Hope you heal up Randy.


Apr 4, 2002
I went to the doctor last Monday and he said it takes 5 to 6 months for a femur to be fully healed. He did not give me a time when I should be able to ride but it would not be 8 weeks. I did get to see the xray and the break was a lot worse than I thought. It was a pretty clean break but there were bone chips and other pieces left in my leg. The doctor said I was only 20% healed and should stay at 50% weight bearing and to quit walking around without crutches. I am going to pt and we are getting about 5 degrees more movement out of my knee each day. I am now hoping the doctor gives me the ok to ride my bike at 12 weeks. He did give me the ok to ride my bicycle so at least that was good.


Aug 17, 2000
I'll chime in on this one.... I broke my femur 6 weeks ago last Friday. Went over the bars on a double and my boot hooked up somewhere in the bike. It was a complete break midway between the knee and hip. Ended up having emergency surgery to insert the rod. I started to drop the crutches at 4 weeks, and am completely off them now. I've found that a cane helps me with long hikes to the store, etc...

I can bend the knee quite far past 90 degrees, but I've really pushed myself to get where I am at. The Doc says I'm way ahead of schedule, which is good but it's still quite frustrating. Still take Vicadin to sleep at night sometimes, and IBU 3x/day.

Worst part is that this is the injury that is forcing my retire from motocross. It's been an extremely difficult decision, but just too hard on the family, work, etc.... I still very much want to race/ride, but I'm hoping that feeling will fade. I can't say for sure that I will not be back riding in a year or so though...

Good luck on your recovery.
(I'm 36, and have been racing 250B/Vet seriously for 2 years).
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