
Jul 24, 2002
On June 9th I was racing and came up short on a double, breaking my femur. They did surgery and put 4 pins in it, but they took those out a few weeks back. Right now I have a brace on, thta bends at the knee and everything. I just started doing physio cause my knee is super stiff, I can only bend it like 60 degrees. Anyways, how long do you think I'll be out of riding? Right now I can walk with a huge limp, but with the crutches to help me stay up I can go pretty good doing a normal walk.


Jan 30, 2000
3 months is a good guess if you do lots of PT, around the middle of September or so.

Disclaimer - I'm not a Doctor, nor do I play one anywhere. Only you and your Doctor will know when.


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
Dude, sorry to hear about your injury. I too have a broken femur and I know what you are going through.

Good luck healing up.



Jul 24, 2002
Thanks milk.

I read your story and everything, it must of sucked waiting for help. All I can say after breaking my femur is: Morphine is a dirtbikers best friend! :aj:


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
lol i used the Phine for the first day after surgery and then moved on to Lortab. I havent had any Lortab since last Thursday when I got out of the hospital. Ibuprofen is taking care of my "discomfort." ;)


Jul 27, 2001
It's been three months and 3 days since I broke my femur. I got back on the bike three weeks ago. The doctors told me that I healed really quickly for some reason? I was up and walking around without crutches, but with a big limp, five weeks after the break.

Depending on how you handle the whole situation depends on how fast you will get back on the bike. Also how soon you get your life back to normal.

Some things that I would recommend, do a lot of stretching (a whole lot), ride a pedal bike, walk as much as you can, basically do anything that you can without causing yourself too much pain. There will be some pain that your going to have to deal with, but the sooner you get it out of the way the better off you'll be. Hope that helps.


Jul 24, 2002
Thanx xl!

What did you do to break your femur? How long were you in physio therapy..?
I went today and they gave me like 5 more stretches to do, now exercise takes up like 2/3 of my day! :ugg:


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
Ive been putting light light weight on my leg to get the "walking" motion down again. I figure it will help out later when its time to walk. I sit and stretch a lot, and I can finally move my leg into my body and away from my body with no lifting or help. I cant move my leg side to side yet though and that sucks.

I got myself in the shower today and washed my hair and body alone. That was a big accomplishment. lol Little feats feel like I climb huge mountains.

I think I could do a lot of the stuff XL suggests, but with the hip dislocation, it makes everything suck a little worse. ;(

XL: Where on the femur bone did you break it? And what about you Fox??



Jul 24, 2002
I broke it just above the knee, which is one of the worst spots to break it.

Do you have your cast off now? Near the end of wearing casts I started getting in the shower putting garbage bags over it. I know how you feel, I started getting into the pool/shower/bath alone and it feels so good!


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
I never had a cast on my leg. I had to have the surgery so the ycouldnt cast it, and Im glad they didnt. Mine broke 3 inches below my hip ball and socket, which they told me is the worst spot to break it. It wouldnt be so bad, except for the fact that my hip was dislocated too, and my elbow, so I cant use crutches. I did get the cast off of my arm so I can move better, but it hurts still to bend it much. It gets better every day though so thats a plus.


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
I broke it 7-19 which was 2 weeks ago yesterday.

No immobilization for me. I was in the hosp. for the first 7 days after I broke it, and only got out of bed 2 times, the last 2 days. It hurt, but not excrutiating pain. I have dealt with the pain pretty well and havent had any pain stuff in a week.



Jul 27, 2001
I broke my femur mid-shaft, crashed into a tree in like top of 4th gear. There was no cast, just a rod and two screws. As far physical therapy goes, I was only in there for two weeks, 2 times a week. The therapist really didn't know why I was there since she couldn't find anything wrong with me except for the limp. If you don't have a cast, the best thing to do is to get that leg moving ASAP. The sooner the better, even if it's just a little here and a little there. It all adds up in the long run.


Jul 24, 2002
Ya I'm going to physio twice a week now, but my leg was in a cast for 2 months so my knee is stiff as hell! I can only bend it 60 degrees to boot. It sucks cause all day I have to do exercises and my leg still is super stiff, like its not even making progress... :(


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
Hey Fox,

How is the leg coming? Are you walking yet? Let me know your progress dude!!


Jul 24, 2002
Im up walking now without the brace and with hardly any limp. The doc told me I should be wearing the brace still in case I fall, but I hate wearing it. I go back in another 4 weeks to see him again. Im still going to physio and my bend is at about 116 degrees now. I think im still a long way coming.. :(
Its unbelievable the swelling I still have, and I broke it almost three months ago. Plus I still have no feeling all the way down the front of my shin from my knee to my ankle.

I got on the bike like a week ago in my tiny backyard, riding for 3 seconds and getting to the fence, then turning the bike around and going 3 seconds back till I get to the end of the yard again. ;) I just dangled my leg cause I couldnt bend it enough to get it on the peg. That was actually kind of stupid because my doctor informed me that if I fall the wrong way the bone could break.

How are you doing milk?


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
You had better stay off of that bike man. :)

My progress is actually very good. I am at 150 degrees on the knee and 150 is normal for me. I still have knee pain from no use, but its getting better. I still have a TON of swelling in my hip and thigh, but its getting better. Its all kinda at the top of my leg. I can pull my knee and thigh to my chest again which feels good. Everything is super tight though, but once I stretch it gets better.

Im in my third week of PT and I ride the bike for 10 minutes each time on lvl2. I do weighted leg lifts and tons of stretches. I also do some kind of squat things on a Total Gym. It allows me to do deep knee bends with 40 lbs of pressure isolated on my bad femur. I will have PT for 6 more weeks.

I go back to the doc Tuesday for the 6 week check-up. If all is well, and it should be, I will begin to put weight on my leg. I have taken a few steps today just messing around and its tight and sore, but felt ok. Im kinda scared to start walking again. My PT guy swears its all muscle pain now, and that my bone is healed and the rod is set. I guess Ill put my faith in him Wednesday at PT and try some walking excercises.

So I guess IM better. Much better actually. Im still on the walker cuz of the elbow dislocation, but that should end tuesday as Im at -2 degrees hyper-extended and -7 is normal for me. I have a bit of pain in it, but not much. I was told with my progress and stuff I will be walking with no limp in 3 weeks.....

keep me informed of your progress and I hope it goes well for you. :aj:


Jul 24, 2002
Yeah thats what sucks about casts and breaking it right above the knee. Your knee gets super stiff. Ive been going for over a month now..


Nov 4, 2000
Sounds like you are doing fine, Foxpilot. BUT , like milk says, stay off that bike or any situation that could do a whole lot of harm until you know that bone is good and solid.
I broke my femur 2+ years ago right above the knee as well, so I know what you are going through. My knee took another operation ( where they force your knee to bend after they konk you out ) to get past 105 degrees and after that the rehab improved alot. I still can't get my heel to my butt and that is permanant, but I severed the patellar tendon and the acl at the same time so that always complicates things. Riding my mountain bike ( on pavement ) once I got the range of motion was the absolute best thing for me. Good luck with the recovery :)


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
Foxpilot, have an update for us?
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