broken rib video - tell me where i went wrong


Jan 24, 2001
Don't get the wrong idea. I can't jump. I do however try to listen when others are talking about the technique required. It sounds in the video as if you cranked the throttle at the last minute. This led to having the rear tire accelerate while in the air thus forcing the front of the bike up. Every thing I have heard and from my minimal experiance is crank the throttle all the way up the face and after launching let off. I watched in horror as my buddie got off his XR250 and onto a CR500 to do the same thing. Ohh the differences between four and two strokes.
Good luck.

Ridin' till I can't
'98 RMX250
'84 XR250r
Laid to rest:
'73 TC125


Mar 6, 2001
I played it a few times and it looks like your chest hit the bars when you tried to compensate the bike going up.

I can't really see whether or not you are wearing a chest protector but if you weren't then you have your ansewer.

I wrecked alot during my first 5 rides back after a 10 year layoff. I still have a bruise (on the bone) on my left leg between the knee and ankle. Doc says I have heavy scar tissue under the skin. :)

(formerly XR44ME) Rick

AMA Member
NETRA Member
'00 KTM 300 MX/C


Mar 7, 2001
thanks for input guys... yes you are right, there is one of my answers, i had no chest protector... i have to learn the hard way! also, one thing about this incident is that it happened within the first 10 minutes of riding that day... i remember now that i should have allowed a good 30 mins or so to get loosened up and in a rhythm with the bike - dumbo

John (o)(o)
'99 Suzuki RM 250


Oct 7, 1999
i'm sure some of our technical wizards such as rich r. will know more details of this, but it is my understanding that there is an immutable law of physics that if you are jumping for a camera or video, you will suffer at least 1 ugly crash. when you jump perfectly, however, no one is ever around to see it, much less record it. that's just the way it is.


Mar 7, 2001
one dollar ----> i think i did turn the wheel as a result of holding on for my dear life after landing on my back wheel and getting my weight thrown to the rear of the bike... (by the way, a LOT of weight thrown to the rear of the bike :) 250lbs - yes i know, another part of the problem)

John (o)(o)
'99 Suzuki RM 250

Dash Riprock

Jul 13, 2000
I watched it/paused it. Something caused your front tire to jerk to the left when it first hit. Maybe a rock? Also, I could be wrong, but it looks like your suspension is a little on the soft side?

Hope the rib is healing up.


[This message has been edited by Dash Riprock (edited 04-11-2001).]

super rat

Ass Clown at DRN
Mar 31, 2001
it looks to me that you landed with the gas off. that through you to the front wheel and over the bars you went. sorry about the rib.
lawman thats funny. when i say "hey watch this" thats code for, quick call an ambulance.rmboy at least you have that clip to watch over and over while you heal. get well soon



Jun 14, 2000
At age 48, I just started riding dirt bikes in March of 2000. I have ridden street bikes for many years prior. I ride a '00 CR250 and when I first starting riding dirt bikes, I had a tendency to keep my weight (240lbs) too far back on the bike. On jumps (mostly small one to start) I found myself being thrown back on the bike which caused me to roll on more (if not full) throttle. Then like you, I'm hanging on for dear life.

I have since overcome that by keeping my weight forward so you can see the front number plate, even on small jumps. While seated, keep the elbows up, butt up against the tank, and lean forward into the power. I think we (new riders) underestimate the power of the newer bikes, especially when the power really hits.

So.... that is my experience as a "newer" rider. Hope the rib heals real soon and you can get back to practicing. Start out slow and practice using all 5 controls together. Speed will come with experience.

Mine '00 CR-250 - '95 Yamaha Virago XV-750
Kids '01 CR-80's


Mar 7, 2001
Thanks a LOT guys for all your warm sentiment! Just hearing everyones input makes me feel good and knowing there are others out there who can really empathize with me!! Im sure it helps me to heal faster too! Everyone on this Forum is AWESOME! ;)

And thanks DRN!!!

John (o)(o)
'99 Suzuki RM 250


Jan 17, 2001
Yes I watched the video frame by frame. I would say that the reason the front was so high is because you had your weight too far back. A good tip is you should be able to read your front #plate when in the attack position.

You crashed because you turned sharply left just before you landed.

Move farther forward on the bike and loosten up the next time.

You broke a rib on the right side, correct?



Mar 7, 2001
yup. far right side, between my right boob and my underarm... thanks for your views!

John (o)(o)
'99 Suzuki RM 250


Jan 17, 2001
Maybe I'll be one of those crime scene investigators in my next job!



Jul 14, 2000
Yep, you came up a little to high and got scared and turned your front wheel. The front wheel is why you crashed.



Mar 7, 2001
I noticed that nobody has said i should have thrown the bike once i realized i was verticle on the bike instead of horizontal?? When do you know if it is time to do that? probably when you are actually GETTING air and things screw up. idunno...

John (o)(o)
'99 Suzuki RM 250


Jan 17, 2001
Try not to ever throw the bike. It will at least take some of the impact. Throwing the bike is not a good idea. If you were farther forward your front wheel wouldn't have come up so high. There is an advenced technique that you could have used to get your front wheel down and that is as follows. While in the air you would pull in the clutch and stab the rear brake.

I'd first work on body position though.


[This message has been edited by MikeT (edited 04-11-2001).]


Oct 7, 1999
i'd be careful tossing the bike away off a jump--it's got the suspension. maybe you ought to consider whether you are ready for jumps as serious as that.


slo' mo

slower than slow...
May 5, 2000
a video camera is a great tool for analyzing your riding skills and getting other people to help with suggestions. I am amazed at the style (or lack thereof) I have. I have found what works best for me is to stay close to the ground. At least I crash less.

good luck on healing.

you never really learn to swear until you learn to ride.

Bill Hibbs

Aug 25, 1999
Oh No!! Dude, that sucks! Where was that anyway? A Chest Protecter probably would have helped you on this one. I've had some pretty serious crashes since I started riding again. Safety gear is the Key. Let me know when you're ready to ride again. ;)

That RM just has too much power. :)



Mar 7, 2001
I have to agree with super rat, if you had given it a little gas once the back wheel touched down it would have kept the front from hitting so hard and you might have rode away.



Mar 23, 2001
I'm no expert on jumping.. i'm learning myself.. did you give it throttle when you went off the jump? when i do small jumps i seem to have to give it a lot of throttle when i hit the jump to carry the front wheel and not let it drop (this is on jumps that the front wheel will go off before the rear wheel is fully on the jump).. anyways I made a pretty long and large jump next and went off of it and went more than vertical and had to bail.. learned the hard way that you should give it a constant amount of throttle on those types of jumps.. Sorry to hear about the rib :(
hope it heals..

- - Ben


Mar 7, 2001
Bill ------> you are sooo right about the proetection! now i am forced to get a chest protector so i wont smash up my broken rib when i ride! hehehehe i beg to differ though about the RM having too much power! remember that song? I GOT THE POWER! ;)

i will be getting with you REAL soon about another visit to those trails we were at! my bro is coming up for a visit and hes bringing his '99 YZ400F in about 3 weeks or so...

John (o)(o)
'99 Suzuki RM 250

[This message has been edited by RM250boy (edited 04-11-2001).]


Mar 7, 2001
Ben -----------> i think you are right on target! i know exactly what you mean and couldnt have explained it better... those little "lumps" that you go over and get baby air on is all that i have been doing and enjoying... then this was the first "normal" type of jump and im afraid maybe i did pull up the front a little bit as if i was doing the lump instead of the jump... heheheh thanks bro!

John (o)(o)
'99 Suzuki RM 250
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