If you have been around message boards for the last few years, you would have seen this type of post concerning just about EVERY top rider. You will also see others stating just the opposite. They all have good days and bad days. The problem lies with the ones with "attitudes".
I can remember back in 1999 when my 8 year old approached Michael Brandes while he was watching practice at the St. Louis Sx. He was not in the designated riders area, and he had on his jersey (with his name plastered on the back).
Anyhoo, my son wanted an autograph and was blown off, big time. My son was understandably upset. We walked around the stands trying to find our seats and my son spotted Brock Sellards. Brocks response was exactly the opposite. He signed my sons jersey and even struck up a conversation. Brandes had an attitude. Brock did not. I still root for Brock, and I stopped rooting for Brandes on that day. I did not object to what Brandes did, but the manner in which he did it. My son was only 8. If Brandes did not want to be bothered, he should have had his butt in the security protected riders area, and not out where he would be "bothered".
That being said, I have also witnessed team managers and mechanics telling their riders "No more autographs, we have to get ready", when many were still in line to get those autographs. I have seen those same riders actually apologizing to fans because they had to stop signing.
The demands on these guys time is overwhelming, but so are the salaries they are receiving.IMHO