
Jan 10, 2001
i dont exactly have chicken legs but theyre too small compared to my upper body. my ****s are ok but its the calves that are the worst. what excercises will build muscle and size the fastest?


Jan 10, 2001
haha i forgot that ****s is a bad word on this site now...i guess i'll refer to them as thighs


Jul 5, 2001
Maybe get some weights in both your hands and stand with your feet close together and go up then down going from flat foot to your tip toes.Do maybe 3 sets of as many as you can.:think :)I have done it for a bit and it seemed to help some what.;)


Jan 10, 2001
yeah i used to do that but got out of the habit...guess i'll get back into it. the only problem is that i dont have a lot of weights at my house. i was doing 3 sets of 100 reps of about 90 pounds so it was doing a lot more toning than muscle building


Jul 5, 2001
Also do you have access to one of those leg presses where you lay on your back and push the weight up and down like the squat?If you do put some weight on that and do the calf raises.;)


Apr 18, 2001
Do squats, try to get some weights and do as many reps you can. Then just do about 3 or 4 sets of them. Do them everyother day and let your muscels rest up real good. you can also try hang cleans, and get way underneath the weight and use your lower body to lift it up (forward squat) Squats add strength to the entire body as well. They can help you out. later


Apr 18, 2001
Let me add another idea. Before I joined a gym for leg size I would lean my back up against a flat wall. Then bend your knees to where your thighs, knees and rear end are straight then hold yourself there with only your legs for 1 minutes then work yourself up to more time. Trust me its hard and pays off. later


Jul 5, 2001
Thats what our coaches call the electric chair.If your going to do that do it for say 30 seconds to start out then right after with no break jump as high as you can and touch the wall repeatedly, then do the chair again then the jumping and so on till you reach 5 minutes total.Then just build up.:) Its tough at first.:eek:


Apr 3, 2000
Well, there are a lot of factors not mentioned. I have been a personal trainer for about 15 years, so I've come across fifty million exercises to increase lower body strength/size. But, unlike upper body conditioning, which reacts quickly, lower body conditioning has to be consistant, and long-going. Especially if you are pre-disposed to being "lean."

The top two lower body exercises are Free Squats and Lunges. Try lunging with dumb bells. Keep reps between 6 and 12, within five to six sets. I'll give an example...

Squats - say start with the 45lb. bar - 12 reps, then wait one minute (no more!), add 20lbs. and do 10 reps. Wait a minute, add 20lbs. and do 8. Wait, 20lbs + and do 6. But don't rest after the 6 - drop the weight to just the bar, and do 12 more - rush over and do 12 reps on a Leg Extension machine (max weight). Wait two minutes and then do the same thing with dumbbell lunges - maybe starting with 15/20/25/30/15, then rush over and do 12 reps on a Leg Curl maching. If you would like more info, just email me.

I could put at least 10 - 20 lbs. of solid muscle on your lower body within 1 - 2 months.



Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by ToddHawaii
I could put at least 10 - 20 lbs. of solid muscle on your lower body within 1 - 2 months.

WOW, can you do other magic tricks too?:silly:


Jan 6, 2001
I'd go with squats. High weight low reps. but be carefull this can be dangerous as hell. When you have 250lb. on your shoulders it's pretty scary :scream: . I don't even consider that anymore.


Jan 10, 2001
squats are a bit tricky due to the fact that i have no PCL in my right knee and it tends to wobble around


May 20, 2001
Originally posted by KXKen
I'd go with squats. High weight low reps. but be carefull this can be dangerous as hell. When you have 250lb. on your shoulders it's pretty scary :scream: .

Squats are the thing to build lower body muscle. They are the only exercise that gives me consistent results if I just keep doing them. Anything else is just a supporting exercise.

When you get the technique down(knees don't wobble or bend laterally and point to the general direction of your feet, back is straight), 250 or even 400 is not scary (my max was 380 at one point and of course many guys my size 6'4", 200 lbs. do much more).


Sep 29, 1999
I'd have to recommend squats as well, just make sure you have correct technique, as it's real easy to screw yourself up BAD if you don't. Hire a good personal trainer for a session or two to show you. It will be money well spent, especially since you mention your knee problems.

I don't like lunges, especially for people who already perform a sport that is hard on the knees (MX). Stick with the squats, and, if you want a complimentary exersice, I would recommend stiff legged deadlifts.

Both exercises are very demanding. I wouldn't recommend either more than twice a week, if that.

Good luck!



Mar 9, 2001
Mr. Hawaii,

Could you please give me a brief overview of how I can put 20 pounds of muscle on my lower body in two months? This is very interesting to me considering that you stated earlier in your reply that lower body muscles react much more slowly than upper body muscles. Does this mean that I could expect some pretty impressive upper body gains in this two month period! Whaddya think, about 30, maybe 40 pounds of muscle in those two months? Sounds great. How much do I have to pay you?

guess what guys, there is something that the fitness industry doesn't want anyone to know- that you will get very, very strong using a few basic compound movements if you perform them with intensity, frequency, and consistency over a long period of time. No fancy exercises, no fancy supplements. No 20 pound gains in two months.

There is one thing that every trainer, magazine, and supplement company has in common. They are here to take your money!

flame on!


Apr 3, 2000
Okay, okay...bring it on:cool:

Michigan - I'll have to agree with you, unfortunately. But I don't get paid to help people lose 30lbs of fat in a year. Nor do people forking out $50-$70 a pop expect results - as you put it - "over a long period of time." My clients hire me because they want results yesterday.

What the fitness - "ignorant" aren't usually aware of is how the "normal" body responds to extreme shock. Because the body is so adaptable, this period, depending of course on each individual person, will last anywhere between 4 - 12 weeks. I won't even get into supplements(ingredients that the body already produces - but in too-small doses to support sudden load) which help to speed up desired results, and tremendously encourage muscle-tissue repair.

The fitness industry is FULL of wanabe's, I'm not one of them. You want "big" legs - I'll show you how...but it'll cost ya;)

Rich - I don't do magic tricks...by the way, how do your legs look?


Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by ToddHawaii
Rich - I don't do magic tricks...by the way, how do your legs look?

They are very frail and almost chicken like.
People have taunted me about them since I was a small child. Thanks for asking.


Re: Chicken Legs.

Originally posted by Rich Rohrich
They are very frail and almost chicken like. People have taunted me about them since I was a small child.

*Heh, heh, heh. Snicker, snicker, snicker...*:p


Mar 9, 2001
Mr. Rohrich,
Your chicken legs reply has been the highlight of the twelve hours i've spent in front of this god-forsaken computer today.


i just deleted 20 minutes worth of response because i have the same hopeless feeling i get when i sit at the gym and watch dozens of morons do leg extensions and talk about the latest magic bullet.
as a personal trainer, you've got a great deal. people with give you their money with hopes of having great strength or a great physique without putting in the time. all you have to do is make them feel good about themselves and they'll keep coming back for more.

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by michigan
Mr. Rohrich,
Your chicken legs reply has been the highlight of the twelve hours i've spent in front of this god-forsaken computer today.

I guess I should have found myself a "trainer" as a yute, maybe I could have made something of myself.:)


Damn Yankees
Apr 19, 2000
bigger legs

If you want bigger legs you are going to have to work at it.
Trust me, I workout everyday and I neglect the leg workout.
The best way to get size contrary to the other posts is not a lot of reps, but go heavy with a more sets. Squats are great all round size builder, because it works on everything. Also leg press, and dead lifts work great. To help build your hamstrings try leg curls but better yet stiff legged dead lifts. Bend down with your back arched and keep tight while keeping you legs locked and extend upward standing straight up. Do this with a warm up set then start to put on the weight. Do this gradually with all the leg exercises because you will be in pain. You'll find that it will take about 3 days till the soreness goes away. After awhile the pain is limited. MAKE SURE TO STRETCH before and after the workout this will help rid most of the lactic acid buildup in the muscles which cause the pain. Remember BIG, GO HEAVY, start off with reps to warm up and slowly cut down the reps as you go heavy. Try 3-4 sets for each exercise. GOOD LUCK. OH ya get some protein powder it will help alot too. DESIGNER makes a pretty good protein powder. LOCAL health store about 25$ a jug good for a month.:cool:
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