C.B.D. open house protest.


Jan 27, 2000
Went up to Idyllwild yesterday for the peaceful protest against the new office of the CBD There were about 75+ protesters there and guess what? The people from the CBD forgot to show up. Maybe they heard that there were going to be a group of clear thinking Americans there expressing their freedom of speech and decided not to come. Would have probably made them look bad trying to come up with excuses for their actions.

Got to meet KTMrad from CORVA and talk his ear off. Found out he is a lover of single track trail riding.;) Looking forward to riding with you Randy and thank you for posting and keeping us informed of events like this one.

The new office of the CBD is off the beaten path, a couple blocks from town. After a while, some townspeople suggested we come down to the center of town with our protest. Since most of the people that live there have had enough with the trail closures themselves. We moved down to the middle of the town and continued with the protest. EVERYONE that stopped by seemed to be on our side.

It looks like we are finally starting to turn this insanity around. Thank you again Randy for alerting us at DRN about this.

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Mar 20, 2001
Hey Ol 89'er, yes, it was good meeting and talking with you and your friend. Look forward to riding with you also.

It is my pleasure to post these issues and help keep others informed. I went to the BBQ after the protest, and met some of the people from other message boards where I post land use info, it was good to put faces with the names....expanding our information base is important !!

So keep all your friends informed also, and hopefully more and more people are getting involved somehow !! Now, if only the general public knew what is really going on.

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