Rally at CDS FS Office May 17th 8 am


Aug 13, 1999

WHEN: Thursday, May 17, 2007 at 8 AM
WHERE: Coeur d'Alene River Ranger District, Fernan Office
2502 East Sherman Ave., Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814-5899
East of I-90 at exit 15
WHY: Coeur d’Alene River Ranger District Travel Plan Proposes Closing
Over 40 Miles of Trails to Motorized Use

The Coeur d’Alene River Ranger District’s most recent Travel Management Plan includes proposals to close over 40 miles of key trails in the Coeur d’Alene District to motorized use. In addition, they refuse to consider user-created/non-system trails in the Travel Map, meaning they will be CLOSED to travel.

These are trails that are regularly used by motorcyclists and ATV’s. These are trails that the motorized community has voluntarily maintained for years, putting in many hours clearing waterbars and windfall. Both motorized and non-motorized users have shared these trails for years without problems. These trails have received the benefit of ORV Tag Fee Money through the IDPR Grants and Trail Ranger Programs.

PANTRA needs your help to keep these trails open.

Here's the list of some of the trails they will close:
Magee Peak trail, Boundary Peak, Lamb Peak trails, North Chilco Mountain, South Chilco Mountain including trail 14, Lost Creek trails – two trails here, Mt. Coeur d’Alene, Beauty Creek Connector and Experimental Draw

http://www.fs.fed.us/ipnf/cda/travelplan/index.html has all the information on this Plan. Click on NEPA Documents then Scoping Document and go to page 11 of the Scoping Doc for the list of proposed changes. Click on Maps, then Scoping Maps to open the maps for each area – they are huge files. Deadline for comments is May 21, 2007. Send your comments to
Travel Plan 2006 Team
Coeur d'Alene River Ranger District
Fernan Office
2502 East Sherman Avenue
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
Email: [email protected]

We need YOU to show up Thursday morning to tell the Forest Service that we WILL NOT allow them to kick us off our trails!! Bring your whole family and all your friends. Drive you truck & trailer with your rides & wear your gear. We know it’s a workday for most but that is the only time we can be sure the people making the decisions will be at the office. Take a little time to protect your trails!!! Bring picket signs to tell them “Don’t Close Moto Trails” “Who Clears the Trails?” “Motorized Recreation = $$$$$”

Please observe the following rules: No more than 25 people can be on City streets or sidewalks at one time and you must be single file not impeding the public in any way. Park wherever parking is legal. Larger groups can be on the FS property but if they ask us to leave we must or we can be charged with trespassing. Above all BE COURTEOUS to FS Employees and others. We want to express our displeasure with their proposed closures while retaining our image of responsible use.

More info can also be found at www.pantra.org or email at [email protected]
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