Cal-city 12/29/01


Sponsoring Member
Feb 16, 2001
Hemet, CA.
Dont know where to begin on this one.
First let me say what a good guy Brettr is, not only did he invite me into his trailer out of the cold and rain, but his girlfriend made us both breakfest.:) :)
Well the day started off with that cold liquid sunshine coming down,but that was ok for it would make for some awesome riding later.
We had a count of 17 riders on this ride, at least at the start. Started off with some fast fun open desert riding, just roosting around the bushes while we made our way up to the trail head.
Almost imediatly, the trail turned from fast to slow and slick, rocky and steep. Every thing you love and hate about socal desert riding.
This first climb showed us just what the rest of the day was gonna be like as many a rider lost traction and balance on the steep wet slick rock.
We went on for about 20 miles or so stoping at several good hill climbs to give those with the nads to give them a shot.
Bret and I entertained ourselfs by busting out new trails every chance we got. You could see the conga line of riders far out in the distance so we would go down a totally different ridge line with no trail and meet them at the bottom, great fun!:p
After a while Brett took over at point and lead us out to some sandy hill climbs, kinda like the ones at Phelan, just not as tall.
And then we were off on the most fun trails of the day. Sandy, whoops, alot of elevation changes and 4th and 5th gear straights.
But this would be my undoing. With brettr at the point we where riping along at a good pace when disaster struck. I was right behind a friend of bretts who was on a 520 exc, i guess I was looking for a pass on him when I aparently threw it away.:(
I dont even remember what happened, all i know is that apparently I hit a rock, launched, and hit so hard it knocked me unconcious for a few minutes. All I know is that i woke up laying flat on my back with someones fanny pack under my head. I didnt know who I was , where I was at, or who all these guys where that where asking me how I was. Man I was out of it. After a few more minutes the fog slowly lifted and I started to recoginize some faces. I was finally able to sit up and eventually stand. Every body warned me not look at my bike but i had too. Wish I hadent. Man it was wasted, trashed sub frame, mangled pipe, torn off side panels, mangeled fenders and bent protapers. Not too mention a helment with half the left side ground off and a ripoed and torn enduro jacket. With everyones help I managed to make it back to camp and get loaded. I had a 2 hr drive home and I had make it by myself, everyone else was camping the whole weekend.
The wife freaked out and made me go straight to the hospital, afew hours in the waiting room and a cat scan and x-rays later I finnally made home by about 1 am.
Just want to say thanks to Brettr and his crew for all the help and I hope you guys let me go out with you all again.

later mxbundy


Feb 2, 2000
Wow :scream: :scream: Glad to hear your OK big guy. I guess now your gonna hafta go out and by that 2 smoke.... :)


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000

Mxbundy - whenever I'm knocked unconcious and can't remember my name, I just tell people to look in my wallet. It's in there.

Good to hear you're OK.

Ummmm, how much do you want for it?:confused:
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Sponsoring Member
Feb 16, 2001
Hemet, CA.
Sorry guys,
Just realized that I posted this in the wrong forum. Should have been in the ride report forum. I guess i`m still a little messed up.:mad:

later mxbundy


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
Great report. Glad to hear that you are OK.

Is there a 250f for sale?:p

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
Originally posted by thumbs
Is there a 250f for sale?:p


I only say that because you beat me to it.

Bundy glad to hear your OK, being knocked out isn't a joking matter.

It's only funny after you wake up and alls good :p

See you soon.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
That's OK, take my hand and I'll help you over to the right place...oh, and here, sign this bill of sa, er, I mean, medical release. :eek:


Apr 1, 2001
Hey Bundy---one of my New Years resolutions is to catch you just once. Whatcha say we go ride now!:p HaHaHa!!! Well, I figured with a trashed bike and a woozy head, I might stand a chance right now.
Glad to hear your okay! Thanks for the ride report. I'll be taking 'boy Jr. out tomorrow for his first ride on the YZ he just got.
See ya---'boy.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Sorry, those days are over...I don't crash anymore!

(Well, I'm guessing at least not for another 2 months! :( )

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
Scary ride report. Glad you're OK. Take it slow ...


Jan 27, 2000
Ouch, Bundy. I hate it when that happens.:scream:

Glad your ok. If you need any help un-twisting the piglet, let me know.


brett r

Nov 6, 2000
Glad to hear your ok. By the time I got back to you your eyes were open but you did not know what was going on. After we decided not to call the air vac and you were going to be ok we put your bike back together and figured out what happened. It looked like we came out of the corner and went into the straight there were some whoops and rocks I was in 5th probably doing about 50 thru that section so what we figured out by the looks of you and your bike is that you hit a rock in the whoops at about 50 and went over the bars you landed on your head and your bike landed on the seat crushing it the subframe, pipe and ripping the air boot from the carb. I will let everyone know your ok and looking forward to the next ride.


Jan 30, 2000
Glad to hear you're OK mxbundy, the good thing is now you get to shop for new gear and parts.


Oct 31, 2001

Ouch that sounded like it hurt. And I thought I was the only one crashing lately. The question is, did you remeber your wife and family? Man I played that trick in the hospital, man did it piss off the wife lol.

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
Good old Brett - Bundy's barely done with his hospital visit and Brett's got him chalked in for the next ride. The true moto maniacs .... :)
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