I'm getting the ACL replacement segery:eek:
I'm going to get some Astrisk knee braces so hopefully I can get back on my bike a little sooner. People are saying that they tested 100% recovery after about 6 months of PH. I am in really good shape going into the sergery so I hope to recover faster coming out of sergery. I ingured my knee about 2 months ago so I just about have full range of motion again. My ACL did separate from my femur so I have to get it replaced no matter what!
I'm coming out fighting when I can ride again:p
I actually hope to turn pro by the end of next season...I'm quite motivated too!
I'm going to get some Astrisk knee braces so hopefully I can get back on my bike a little sooner. People are saying that they tested 100% recovery after about 6 months of PH. I am in really good shape going into the sergery so I hope to recover faster coming out of sergery. I ingured my knee about 2 months ago so I just about have full range of motion again. My ACL did separate from my femur so I have to get it replaced no matter what!
I'm coming out fighting when I can ride again:p
I actually hope to turn pro by the end of next season...I'm quite motivated too!