I was hoping you could help me out with some information on the event that you area setting up. I'd enjoy coming out and helping you all, but I'll be at a wedding the weekend of the 4th. I'd much rather be out in riding country, but my wife would disown me. That said, I'd still like to try and make it on the 18/19th. Only, I'm not a District 37 member and I have never done an event. I was told by Unit74 on KTmTalk that I could do my AMA/District paperwork at events, do you know if this is true for this event? Also, I'm 38 years old and I ride a Husqvarva TE-570, so I assume that I'd be a "D" rider and in 30+ Vet or 4-stroke. I just don't know though, and do I need to add a letter "D" to numbers on my plates? Also, I don't know anything about the process of an enduro or the timekeeping, do you know of any books or information that would help? Overall, it may be best for me to just show up have fun at the event and not worry about being off on time and all. Just do it to get the experience.
Anyway, these events look like fun and I was looking into desert and GP racing, but Enduro may be the best place for me. It's been over 16 years since I did any type of organized race.
Thanks for any help and I look forward to seeing the event.