Cant believe what happened


Nov 7, 2001
Got to vent. Non bike related. I worked late tonight, and my wife and oldest son came out to meet me at work, just so my son could drive my van home and get some practice time in. (we feel better about him driving my old van)

I left shortly before the PM dinner break. As I was making my way out of the building, some guy pulled up next to my wife's van and got out. Walked close to her van, then walked over to my van which was next to it.

My wife called me on my cell phone and said "some guy is peeing near your van". I shook my head, and walked a little quicker out to the lot. I saw the guy sitting there in his car, and I figured I would see a puddle or something near my van. No big deal. Then I rounded the corner and looked...

The SOB got it all over my back wheel. :coocoo:

I went off and started yelling. he denied it at first, then apologized. I asked if he worked there... I would of had his arse fired....he said he was waiting for his cousin. I asked who that was, and he wouldnt tell me.

I REALLY wanted to pull him out of his car. I didnt. I left. I know that was the thing to do, but I am a freakin mess right now. All this adrenaline going. My wife said I should have called the police which would have been funny as hell actually, but I was too bent to think straight.

what the hell.

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
You went off over some pee on your wheel? Dude took a whizz outside and splashed your least his was unintentional, much unlike the many dogs that do it all the time. Tell you what, if you let me pee on your tire and wheel combo you can pee on my tire...but just once b/c any more than that and people will start to talk.

Besides, haven't you ever heard of uroumycestises?

gotta learn the man phrase "the world is my urinal"


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
It is just a little piss. Man. No big deal.

I have had to go bad plenty of times and have partaken of the occassional tree or dumpster.

Not worth getting upset about.


Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
truespode said:
It is just a little piss. Man. No big deal.

I have had to go bad plenty of times and have partaken of the occassional tree or dumpster.

Not worth getting upset about.


Kinda what I was thinking. I think there's bigger things to worry about in this world. :nod:

sick 96 250

Damn Yankees
Jul 16, 2004
i see how you could be somewhat pissed a little but its not that big of a deal, at least it wasnt on your hood or something like that.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
you shoulda just unzipped, unrolled the hog, and peed on his window.

Payback enough for this cat.

CPT Jack

Jun 27, 2000
That would've been so freakin' classic if you would have walked up to his car and pissed on his wheel - never even looking at him as if you never saw him.


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
just think, if your wife didnt tell you , it would have dried up and you might have driven around for the rest of that vans service life unaware of the disaster that took place, kinda if someone was to leak on your bike.................. then that would be worthy of a thrashing :boss:

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
I was drunk one time and urinated on my own foot. My foot didn't speak to me for weeks.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
gwcrim said:
Better to be peed off than peed on!

So true and also ... don't eat yellow snow!

CPT Jack said:
That would've been so freakin' classic if you would have walked up to his car and pissed on his wheel - never even looking at him as if you never saw him.

I'm betting he would never have had the balls to get out of the car.

I don't agree with the majority though ... I think it sucks and is beyond inconsiderate.


Nov 13, 2002
CR Swade said:

Besides, haven't you ever heard of uroumycestises?

If he had uroumycestises, he should be able to show you his public unination pass, issued by the city.

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
brit yz125 said:
This is the flame board, not the mildly warm board, hence no sympathy methinks!

no symapthy for uroumycestises??!! have you no soul man?

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
brit yz125 said:
Got soul, just no idea what uroumycestises is!

a condition brouht to the public limelight about 15 years ago...make sure to get checked for it from time to time. silent killer from what I am told...well not so much killer as much silent irritator

good job on the soul...just checking


Nov 7, 2001
i know it was not a large matter in the grand scheme of things but at the end of a long hard day at the factory, the last thing I wanted was to find that some filthy rotten low life had pissed on my van.
he didnt use it as a mere shield, it was a freakin target.
Its water under the bridge at this point, or rather piss under my van...
But, if it happened tommorrow, Id probably go off the same way.
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