
Sep 10, 2003
The North Rim trial is going to be temporarily closed for Timber harvest near the 20 mile marker and about a mile either side of that, should be about a month or so.

Also heard that Tahuya is going to be having a workshop in the near future concerning trail/facilities redesign. Will post more when I get additional info, can't find anything on DNR's site though.


Tahuya Rat

Apr 11, 2002
Tahuya trail workshop

You might be refering to the focus group, of which I'm a member. No meetings for the summer, I missed May's, didn't look like anything urgent was going on. There are some changes going on across the street from Elfendahl staging area due to logging - basically, Sims will be undisturbed (barely) JBXR trail will be closing, Nucleus trail will need a minor and partial reroute, I'm supposed to be on top of that...um, right about now, will check that out when I get back from LA weekend after this one, also neeed to call Phil on some other stuff, will update ya when I know. There are I believe 3 logging operations which will impact us, none seriously, and we can ALWAYS use some help out there. Last time I was out there were trees too big to move on Hoof n' TraiI and haven't had a chance to go back and see if anyone's cut 'em. Road Apple Road trail sure lived up to it's name that day fwiw! 1st time in a long time James stayed off my rear fender, LOL
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