Carb mod


Mar 3, 2000
Trying to decide which company to have modify my carb. I have a 1999 KDX 220. It has a FMF Burly pipe and SA, Boyseen power reeds and modified air box lid. Most of my ridding is done in the mountains 8 - 12,000 feet. Who has the better mod Fredette or RB Designs?


Nov 24, 1999
I just started this season on a new 220 with the RB Design carb mod and last Sunday was my first true rock run enduro. This is hands down the best running KDX that I've owned. After a hour down pour the rock up hills were littered with fallen riders and my bike pulled like a mule. The last 2 enduros and one hare scramble that I raced were flat sand runs and the bike justs screamed like a KX. But I didn't know how well it would do in the mountains of Pa. and now I can say it pulls better that my last 2 KDX's. My last 220 was a 97 with a torque pipe and Jeff did the carb bore and that bike ran good but my 2001 has it beat on both ends.
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