
Jan 27, 2000
Anyone riding the Catalina GP?????


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
Nope. If I were in riding condition, I would have at least tried to get an entry, but no go this year.

Would have been a nice thing to talk about for the next few years. :nod:


Nov 14, 2010
I would just love to go to this, my GF shoulda bought me tickets for Christmas, I would have married her then. :laugh: I wonder if anybody wore a GoPro today, might have to check the youtube.


Apr 27, 2001
That is.......all the fees after they accepted your RESUME! This year the list of excuses prohibited my participation from this & many other worth while activities.
Does any one know how the riding in the carolinas is this time of year? As for the catalina event, does any one care to guess how many collisions with wild boars might take place, how about wild eyed 2 legged sierra clubbers....... Hopefully the boars will take care of any unwanted, unfinished business of the later........they'll eat almost anything that winds up on the ground. :p

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Porkchop...riding in the Carolinas and Georgia is great all year long, but especially good during the "Winter". We have friends all of North and South Carolina that ride. Are you planning on coming out? Will you have a bike or do you need to borrow one?


Apr 27, 2001
Hi, Lord Gomer...... There's a twist on your name you've probably heard a thousand times........ so much for that.
I depart tomarrow for N. C.& I'm bringin the Honda & about a ton & a half of tools. I will be working in Wilmington until mid to late Feb for Warner brothers. our work schedule will be 6 days with sundays my only day to go play. For now I hope that the vintage dodge desert camping rig that I've had for the past ten years makes it to the east end of hiway 40.Tonight I test drove it & filled it with fuel, it ran great. I just finished a major electrical up grade, new hella 90/130 watt halogen head lamps, all new switching & separate ciruitry, momentary switching for high beams, & an other switch for continueous all lights on mode, A 100 amp alternator from a chrysler cop car used in the blues brothers movie, & 4 deep cycle batteries linked together with heavy welding cable & marine selector switches, so it can all be used in segregated mode or linked together in the " it's goin f'n dead mode".
I live near the west end of said hiway 40, & I hate dead batteries, so long as there's one left to get the genie going, I can deal with that...... other wise I got a fuel dump valve & a match that can fix this problem.
Sorry about the tangent rant, I don't see very well at night, so the lights are now fine tuned with regard to their aim & not to blind the on coming trafic, for matters of common courtesy. I was actually considering not bringing the bike, but if it's with me the soon to be X, can't try to sell what is not sitting in my lock up yard, & I get some much needed saddle time. Also while I'm in the east I wish to see Kitty Hawk & Myrtle beach, when it's time to return home I' planning on flying out at least my oldest son for the return drive, he's 10 now(Gavin) & just maybe his little bro will want to come along for the adventure too...... He's 7(Parker) I'm getting enthused!I will be off line for the next 4 days, & will advise when I get sitiuated in the east, thanks for responding. With best regards, Porkchop....... :uh:

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Porkchop - while you are in Wilmington, you must tour the battleship North Carolina. Cool stuff!

My family is near Raleigh, and I've got relatives in SC. I love visting the Carolinas.


Apr 27, 2001
Thanks for the advice guys. Today is jan 1& I just returned here(N.C.) after flying home for the past week of holidays. This is the first chance I have had to log on. On my adventure out here, I stopped at loretta lynns& got an invite back to ride there in march when they open & I'm on the return drive.
So, how did the catalina g.p. do? I'm exhausted & short on time right now, where do I look to find out? thanks, porkchop.... belated happy holidays to all......


Jan 27, 2000
Porkchop said:
So, how did the catalina g.p. do? I'm exhausted & short on time right now, where do I look to find out? thanks, porkchop.... belated happy holidays to all......


Also, The Catalina Grand Prix on Facebook.

Porkchop. The GP was a huge success.

Entry fee. $ 250.00
Hotel. $ 100.00 to 400.00 per night.
Boat trip. $ 120.00 Round trip.
Food & drinks. $ 500.00 + Depending upon how much you drink.

Spending the weekend on an exotic island with over 1,000 of your best friends and riding buddies. PRICELESS. :cool:


Jan 27, 2000
High Lord Gomer said:
How did you do?
I had a hard time finding your name in the list of entrants...it was mispelt. :)

They always misspell my name. :coocoo: I had to bow out Mike. Got sick with a bad chest cold about a week before the race. I was in no condition to ride. Actually, I was in no condition to ride even before I got sick but I was going to do it anyway. ;) Had a ton of friends that rode it though. Everyone had a blast. Can't wait for next year. :yeehaw:


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
Ol'89r said:
Got sick with a bad chest cold about a week before the race.:

You should have done what everyone else does - drop down to the novice class. :nod:


Jan 27, 2000
holeshot said:
You should have done what everyone else does - drop down to the novice class. :nod:

They didn't even have a novice class Ron. Experts and Intermediates only.

The locals want the race to return next year. They made more money that weekend than any other weekend all year long. The weekend after Thanksgiving is usually the slowest weekend of the year. This year it was the busiest.

The police said there were literally no problems. No fights, no arrests, nothing. Said it was the most polite and trouble free group they have ever had on the island. They said that the city would be crazy not to invite the racers back next year.

One of the attendants on the boat ride home told a friend of mine that she could not believe how nice and polite everyone was. Of course, they were expecting the worse.

Saturday night they sold out the Casino. First time in over 50 years.

The only ones that were not happy were the environmentalists. They fought tooth and nail to prevent the race. Hopefully they won't be happy again next year. ;)

There are a lot of threads and pictures from Catalina on the District 37 site also.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Terry, That is great to hear! Dirt bikers get such a bad rap and this is a real good thing for us. Too bad I didn't catch the story on it during the CBS evening news :bang:
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