
Jul 28, 2000
This is just somewhat of a preliminary thing , but who would be interested in a ride in the central MA area in the spring?
I was thinking about the Hodges Village Dam area in Oxford possibly. Any other suggestions?

I'm just trying to see if there's any interest in this. I will make another post when the warmer weather comes and I am ready to start organizing.



Jul 28, 2000
Yes, papakeith, you do need to be MA atv registered. As long as you are registered, the Hodges Village Dam area is perfectly legal (as long as you stay on the trails designated for dirt bikes).
I have ridden here twice and from what I have seen, these trails are awesome. There is a wide variety of terrain. I came across soft sand in the middle of the woods!! The only downside to this is that there are some rocky sections too, but they are not too bad (if you normally ride a trail bike, don't even worry about it). Anyone on a MX bike sould considder this when setting up.
Also, although most of you don't have to worry about this, quads are not allowed here. This is rather strange since snowmobiles are. I just feel i should put this out there because I don't want anyone to show up and not be able to ride or get in trouble. The explanation for this that I got from an E.P. was absolutely rediculous and I feel stupider for listening to it, but I'll leave this fight up to the quad guys.
I'm thinking this might be an April ride, it all depends on the weather. I don't have a problem with riding in the cold or the rain but I would like to do this on a nice day.

Feel free to post whatever questions or ideas you have.


Jul 28, 2000
wait a minute papakeith,
I may have misunderstood your question.
If you are atv registered in another state I believe MA law allows 30 days before you have to register in MA, but don't quote me on that.

Does anyone else from MA know what the law is??

Sorry if I've only caused more confusion.



COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
No confusion. Rhode Island doesn't have any mechanism in place for registering ATVs. I planed on registering in MA this year anyway. Now I'll just have to put it a bit higher on my to-do list.

G. Gearloose

Pigment of ur imagination
Jul 24, 2000
I concure with XPHILX,
Since Hodges if FEDERAL land, any tag is welcome, I'm almost certain. They just frown on NO tag.
Just have to stay in the area bounds.
I think the 30 days only applies if you already have a tag from another state.

If it matters, the park director told me the quads are excluded because they thought the trails are too narrow and limited visibility for two quads or quad/bike to pass head on. However from what Ive seen, it doesn't stop the area kids from riding 2-up on blasters like they stole it, so beware anything could be coming around the corner. Be especially careful at the trailheads, the guys in the gravel trucks do 45 mph in a 15, often fumbing with their smokes before hitting Rt 12.
Look forward to it.
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Aug 15, 2001
sounds like a good ride to me.I now me and a few other guys who would be interested from the southwick area.Keep me informed and well hook up.


Jul 28, 2000
Sure thing,

Maybe you can answer a question of mine, Bob. I've been wondering if you can ride at Southwicks MX track if you're not in any MX league or association. The impression that I've gotten is that there is no open practice time at Southwicks. Is this correct?



Jul 20, 2001
xphilx,i ride out there in oxford all the time.i'll roost around when ever you want.got about 5 other buds i ride and race netra hare scrambles and gnccs with that all live close,and would want to go.we've also got plenty of other areas to ride. all on our own land which include woods loops,sand pits ect.i posted (mass riders) and nobody responded!? their loss;)


Jul 28, 2000
sweet papakeith

jalbert, i must have missed your post, would've responded. Where, exactly is sturbridge? I know i'm not too far (Douglas), but i don't think i've ever been there.

Looks like the warm weather will be here sooner than expected, so I'm just wating for my tax returns now (should be a couple weeks at most) to set a date for the ride.
What's better for everyone, Saturday or Sunday?



Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Hmmm, doesn't the Tri-State Enduro go through Oxford?

Ahhh the memories of riding a jackhammer to the edge of barfing all day... well, at least until the gas stop. Actually it looked like a fun place to ride had I not been trying to maintain 24 mph.


Jul 22, 2000
Jalbert, I missed that post also, sorry. If you guys ride on a sunday there's a couple of us from around Springfield who'll come out to ride. I've ridden there a few times, there's some cool rocks, I mean trails, out there. Keep us posted.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
pursang262 - Are you the same guy who rides NETRA VetB on a Bultaco?

jalbert - Check you PM's.


Jul 28, 2000
well, it's been a while so i figured no one would mind if i post just to keep this up front
no new news really, i've still got my mind set on this

if anyone knows of any other good riding spots(LEGAL!!!), feel free to post

i'm going to try to come up with some directions soon, the ones on the Hodges Village Dam website weren't to impressive but they did give a phone # that you can call.
i'll post a link to the website soon if i remember
if by chance anyone has some good directions to this place go ahead and post them(or a link)


May 17, 2001
Maybe once I get my bike together I would be able to tag along. I still need to get it registered though.

I know of a few private MX tracks and one practice track. If you've ever been to any of the Freetown Netra Races your about 15 minutes away from almost all the tracks.

Who's going to the Pilgrim's Pride National Scramble?
If I don't go to race I'll be there to watch.
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Jul 28, 2000
you know, I don't think the weather likes me
I get the bike ready and it snows, I wax the skis and its 60 degrees and sunny.

I planned to go over to the Hodges village Dam area and come up with directions while i was at it, but the snow changed my plans.


Jul 28, 2000
don't worry jh85, we've still got some time. I heard 2 inches of rain tomorrow so I've decided to wait till the weather makes up it's mind. After all, it's March 3rd, I normally wouln't even be thinking of riding yet.

And sorry to anyone looking forward to those directions, I still haven't got them yet. I'm lazy :aj:

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