chain length?


Apr 20, 2002
I just ordered new sprockets and a chain - a 520 heavy duty standard (don't know which brand). What exactly does the 520 designate? I didn't specify any length. Was this a mistake? Are chains bike specific? Will it be long enough that I can remove links if necessary. I increased my rear sprocket size from 48 to 50 and kept the front at 13. I'm not sure what the stock sprocket sizes are.
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Oct 16, 2000
you have a couple things to think about here, the first is the chain length, when you ordered the chain do you remember if you told the person what bike you had? Most chains come with alot of extra links and you must either use a chain breaker or a grinder to get them apart. For instance I just bought a DID 520ERT chain and it is a 120 link chain (very common), but my YZ is a 114 link chain, so I must cut off 6 links to get the right size. you will probably have to do this, yes the 520 is the right size for your bike, and no I have no idea what it measures, for some reason I keep thinking it means how wide the chain is but that's probably completely false. Good luck and it will work for your bike,


Nov 5, 2001
make sure you put the wheel in the middle of the adjusters and then mesure the chain on the dont want to cut too mant links off!
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