Changed oil - what went wrong?


Jul 14, 2000
I have a 300exc with the WP fork. I decided to change the oil in the forks the other day (first time I've changed fork oil). I drained and pumped everything out then filled up each with 750cc like the manual stated. Now when the forks compress 2 things are happening.

1.) There are some clanking sounds that were not there before. They are being caused by the very top plate in the forks (right under the cap) colliding with the cap. Should there be some sort of spacer in there? I didn't take the forks apart so I don't see how I could have caused a problem.

2.) On hard compression (like a jump or log) some oil seeps/squirts out the compression adjustment screws. When the screw comes up to release the air, some oil comes out. I assume this is just the forks getting rid of the excess oil they don't need. Is that correct?

What's the diagnosis doc?


Apr 10, 2002
I am no fork guru, but does the manual say the quantity is 750mL or add 750mL after draining the current oil as best you can? I have read a few posts from people who did not disassemble the forks completely, thinking they could add the amount in the service manual since they drained them. A common problem is that all the oil is not drained out during a regular oil change, so adding the quantity mentioned in the service manual will sometimes mean there is more oil in the forks than there is supposed to be. I hope this makes sense to you.


Jan 9, 2000
yes you should use the airgap measurement as you cannot get all the oil out to service them that way.Also the oil squirting out the reb is due to oil filling the tube in the very centre of the fork-the one where the rebound rod sits-this should be empty of oil.As for the clanking -it sounds like something isnt seated right, i dont see how you could service them and have these problems without removing the caps?


Jan 12, 2004
Do not measure oil by volume out of the bottle. You need to measure from the top of the fork tube. Start with aroung 120mm to 110mm from the top down to the oil level. There is a tool from motion pro jsut for this purpose.

Good Luck,
Synergy Fork Seals

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