Child Protection Issue or Government Meddling?


Jul 20, 2004
I'm assuming she's an AMA member (the mother) and I hope that the AMA is going to step in here on their behalf and offer more than "we've never heard of this happening before". This is the type of thing I give them money lobby on our behalf.

It sounds like Dr meddling first, and I don't know how CPS works, maybe they are required to do the interviews whenever a Dr reports suspected abuse, but if this is what it appears to be at face value, then it would become gov't meddling if they choose to pursue it beyond the interviews. In my opinion, the ICU doc as way overstepped their bounds based on their personal opinions about kids riding motorcycles. The parents haven't abused this child and haven't encouraged him to do anything illegal. On the same basis, all children's MX would be child abuse and would be banned.


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
It's sad to hear about someting like this.

I feel that the ICU Doctor had no right doing what he/she did. As xsnrg said, the parents did not encourage the child to do anything illegal nor have they abused the child.

If this were the case, then should all people not ride dirtbikes? Unfortunate circumstances have happened to others, whether they be children or adults.

This Doc needs to worry more about making sure this child makes it through his stay in the hospital, rather than his extracirricular activities.


Nov 7, 2000
It's realy a double edged sword. The CPS does do some good. What about a couple (who shall remain nameless) whos main concern is drugs and getting high. Keeping three kids in a house alone while they go to score dope or are out getting high for days on end. Keeping them around while cooking up Meth. When I say small kids I mean under 10. The oldest was pretty much forced to take care of the younger ones and not the chance to be a child. One of the parents was also a known abuser and has been in and out of jail. The kids are out of that situation and doing much better because of it. This is from presonal exprience seen first hand.

I think the use of that agency in the situation linked is just crazy and not its intended purpose. The child is injured, but surrounded by loved ones who did took the necessary precautions for the child and are providing care for him now.

Even the best ideas do not fit all situations nor are they always interpreted correctly. The system does have its flaws.


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
when i was about 13 i was riding in the field next to dads house, i used to ride in workboots jeans and shirt and cheapo helmet , no clue of mx
i hit a mudrut at the bottom of a g-out 10,000 times .........i hit it wrong one time , it flopped me over hard. hard enough to put me unconcious for at least 8 minutes and lose memory of the entire weekend. i rode home crying and slobbering all the way , dad forced me to the hospital not for the scrapes and bruised face but for acting weird.
got to the hospital and i was given 20 questions and answered suspiciously i guess granted pops looks like mr clean joined hells angels :laugh: , thats all they needed to have him grilled by the cps with the cops present. he must have passed the test because i woke up in his bed wondering why i was there and why my face hurt :bang: and was told the entire story
things happen and i hope they get it right but its better to be safe than sorry


Aug 21, 2005
This is definitely BS, I have seen this kid ride on several occasions and he has a great future ahead of him. One of the fastest I have seen. To even think of taking MX from him would truely be abuse.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
This is a very scary situation. My personal feeling is that the Dr may have had concerns but once the method of injury was discoverred and the fact that it was a legal activity this concern should be put aside. Anytime there is an injury and especially when a child is in for repetitive injuries the childs situation has to be looked at in order to protect the childs wellbeing. My basis for this is think how many of us have fudged the facts of our injuries in order to dance around insurance claims. Now figure some parents are having their kids do the same out of fear of being denied benefits so the stories start sounding suspicious.
As a law enforcement officer I had the talk with our version of child protective services- my son broke 3 arms, a collarbone, and had 2 concusions in 1 year in addition to a knee injury the summer before and a couple broken bones the year before that. The medical history described common child abuse injuries and required by law the Dr made a report . We sat down and explained the injuries and how they occurred and our situation was solved. Strange thing is that only the knee hyperextension and the collarbone were dirtbike related. All 3 arms and concusions were snowboard and the others were from being a boy growing up.
Always be sure to have documentation of the injuries and do not lie to medical personel about the cause because that is what could come back to bite you hard


Damn Yankees
Feb 18, 2002
My buddies wife use to work for GA DFACS. She would tell horror stories about how people would treat there kids. Actually, it's what made her quit. I'll send her an email today and see if she still knows anyone that can help.
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