
Sep 1, 2000
What is China Hat? How and ISDE works. The actual ISDE works like this. You impound your bike 2 days before the race then on day 1 you get your bike 15 mintues before you start and then you have that time to do any last minute work. Once it is time to start they start 3 riders every minute. You ride a set trail section at a set pace, then you will get to what is called a "Special Test". The Special test can be either a "grass track" or an "enduro test". Grass is a 1-2 mile grass track that you start and race as fast as you can then get timed. The enduro is same but tighter trail that you get timed on. After the special test you have more trail section leading to more special tests. It depends but you generally do 6 grass tracks a day and 2 enduro test with about 180 miles of trail in between for a total of 200 miles a day. At the end of the day if you are on time you get 10 minutes to change tires, airfilters, oil etc. . . (you have to run ecology tires so you need a new rear tire every day.) If you go to this site you can read my story about it.

The Ant

Jan 3, 2002
FOE, here's the link to the flyer:

I think this one's not as difficult as the ones Nicole is talking about - 80 miles total, but women, sportsmen, over 50 only go one lap (but the flyer doesn't say how far that is - suspect it'd be 40 miles)
Some friends are planning to do it, don't know our status yet. I'd have to get an extra fuel bottle for sure!

The Ant

Jan 3, 2002
4EO...(I'll get it right eventually),
Well, we just sent in our entry ap and $$ !! I've never done an ISDE either, even a baby one like this, should be interesting - just hope I don't hour out. Randy says he'll play sag bike for me which really helps my comfort level. If you're thinking of doing it, entering before April 16th keeps the fee at $40, goes up to $75 after that.


Mar 9, 2003
Well if you are doing it maybe I will too! :) We could be newbie's together.

We should get together sometime. Where in Portland do you live?

The Ant

Jan 3, 2002
I hope you can do it too, am thinking people will get pretty spread out so it'll be more like an organized, supported trail ride than a race.

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