Clanton AL


Nov 13, 2001
Just wanted to take the time to sing the praises of this " little" bike.
I rode the Clanton Enduro this weekend and it was quite a ride. Clanton is a course of ~ 50 miles of tight and twisty single track that goes UP and DOWN, over and over. Just for fun, it'll twist left and right on the way UP and on the way DOWN, and to make it more enjoyable there are roots and ruts everywhere.
It has been raining for a few weeks here so at the bottom of just about every twisted, rooty, rutted descent was a mud bog.

The kawi performed flawlessly. What a joy to ride! It would pull up those ruts from a dead stop, was light enough to pull out of any mud hole, had the torque to pull through the bottom of the hill to get a good attack on it.
I didn't do as well as the bike, though. Left on row 62, got to the gas at row 116, houred out somewhere after that, and had the clean up riders catch me at 10 miles from the end!! What a blast!. Took ~ 5 hours to go 46 miles. I am sore today!


Nov 13, 2001
You know, I've read on here at least once or twice that the stock tires leave something to be desired. There may be some truth to that, at least with worn out ones.



Aug 9, 1999
jasonwho: you ought to try and make the harescramble in New Hope. its coming up in two weeks on the 15th. I rode it last year and had alot of fun.


Aug 9, 1999
you will be ok, the new hope race was easy last year. fun open trails, a good first race in my opinion. run 200c or beginner and you should be just fine.


Aug 9, 1999
if you run beginner you will start in the back, so you shouldnt get lapped til the end of the second lap or so. as long as you move over asap there won't be a problem, the fast guys are use to getting by other riders. i don't recal a single hill last year.


Feb 9, 2003
Heh, the lap during the winter series was about 9 miles. They cut the time down to 1.5 hours in the summer. Yeah, no hills, but some mud as i recall...and one really slick spot over some rocks, i saw alot of guys bite the dust on that.
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