Clutch Question

Jun 12, 2005
How far into the pull should the clutch engage/disengage? Is it just where ever you like it or should it be set at a certain spot. Also ive noticed that when my bike has sat over night and i try to push it in gear with the clutch in the wheel still acts as if it was in gear. Also once the bike has warmed up this problem seems to go away but when i pull the clutch in it seems very sticky like more resistance then pushing it in neutral. Would there be notches in my clutch basket. I dont have any expeirence with clutches so any help would be great.


Feb 5, 2004
ok for one, when the bike has been sitting, the bike acts lick it is in gear probally b/c the pplates are sticking.

2.yes, it will go away after it is warm, the oil doesn't make the plates stick to gether when its warmed up.

3, doesn't matter where the clutch engages, as long as it isn't slipping when the lever is all the way out.

4, to look for notches pull the clutch plates out and look at the "fingers" on the basket, they will either be smooth or will have grooves in them, if there are grooves then this another reason the plates would stick, just file out the grooves and you'll be good to go.