CORVA Working For Us !! Please Support.....


Mar 20, 2001
Some of what CORVA (Calif. Off Road Vehicle Association) is doing for all of us.....if you're not a member, please join, or at least donate a few bucks to the cause !!

Address for CORVA donations...........Go donate today!

More on Closure of Surprise Canyon near Death Valley........

CORVA has received the press release, Federal Register Notice, and now the Environmental Assessment for the action mentioned above of Suprise Canyon. We are working with one of the formor Defendant Intervenor´s for the CBD v BLM case, High Desert Multiple Use Coalition in the review of this action.

CORVA intends to file an administrative appeal to the United States Department of Interior - Interior Board of Land Appeals (the administrative court of the Deparment)as a first step before filing lawsuit in United States District Court.

We find this action to be illegal and outside the proceedures long established in Federal law. CORVA intends to aggressively pursue any and all actions by the BLM that are related to the CBD v BLM lawsuit. We need any and all donations to help.


Just an update for those interested in CORVA´s actions with regards to Surprise Canyon.

We are just finishing up our Notice of Appeal to send to the United States Department of Interior, Board of Land Appeals next week. This Appeal is similar to a process conducted in United States District Court, very formal, very complex.

This is our initial step in the fight for Surprise Canyon. We anticipate a favorable decision by the Board, as our appeal is very strong and has a great chance of overturning BLM´s decision in the very near future.


KLX Spode

Feb 29, 2000
As usual, great info! As for a donation, "The check is in the mail!". Not that I don't belong to enough orginizations now ( at last count 12!), but your info on this board has pursuaded me that it's a worth-while cause! KEEP IT UP!


Jun 12, 2000
KTMRad, is Corva working with AFFA in Big Bear? We're getting hammered by the Center for Biological Diversity and their exploitation of NEPA. I spoke with local Forestry and the local riding club Prez. and it appears they're going after more trails using an "environmmental model" argument claiming that certain areas are indigenous to endangered species.

Basically, the Forestry is telling us the only way to stop this is to sue. We just don't have the warchest to take this on and need help desparately. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Our local riders are hosting a Big Bear ride on 7/14 and I would be happy to advocate membership/donations to Corva.
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