
Dec 11, 2000
I was wondering which 250 from 1997-2002 is the easiest for a Begginer to learn on? Which has the most controlable powerband? Which has the most bottom-end for trails? And also which is the most realiable? I have heard that the Suzuki's are not realiable but I think they look good. The Kawasaki and the Honda looks the best I think. Thanks in advance. Matt

1991 Honda XR250R

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
I love CR's, always have (I've owned 7 different ones since 83). They run great, handle beautifully, hold up excellent and have decent resale.

With that said, the best beginner bike and one of my favorites of all bikes would have to be the KTM200. That is an excellent bike for beginner to pro.

You have got to ride one to believe it. Putt it around for trails, or go WFO and run with the 250's-neat bike, plush and well put together.

But if you have your heart set on a 250-go CR (00-02) or YZ.:)


Dec 11, 2000
Hey wade I just went to KTMUSA.com and looked at the KTM 200 MXC and for some reason they don't list the Retail Price for any of there models so if you or anybody for that matter knows the correct retail price for or knows of a website that I can go to I would really appreciate it. Thanks Matt

1991 Honda XR250R

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
A good buddy of mine bought a used 00' November of 00' for $3600 from a local dealer here, complete with Pro-Tapers, guards, skid plate, re-valved suspension, and all sorts of other goodies (graphics, IMS pegs, shark fin). It is a cool-a** scoot.:cool:


Dec 11, 2000
Thanks for the replies Wade, I also would like to just ride MX every once in awhile(No Racing unless I just decide I want to). But I will also be riding trails so is a 125 good for trails? I don't know if I can handle a 250 2-Stroke right now. The thing about a 125 is that you have to use alot of clutch and keep it wide open in the powerband. How long would it take me to get use to slipping the clutch?, because I am used to my XR250R and the only time I use it is when I stop,Take off,or Shift gears. Would I beable to get by with only 1 Top-End rebuild a year if I just rode mostly trails? I know you all are thinking Why in the world are you looking at 125's and 250's for trails. The answer to that is that the MX Bikes suspension is so much better and they have alot of power, and they are alot lighter. Sorry for the questions guys but I just think of them and ask. Matt

1991 Honda XR250R


May 24, 2001

Sounds like you are on the same train of thought as I was a week or so ago. I ended up getting the '02 rm250, as it sounded like the perfect match for my riding needs.

Just got the new Cycle News issue (10/24) that compared the 250's, and their take is that it is a great bike for novice riders. Pick up the issue before the new one comes in. Very good reading for your question.

Good luck,


p.s. Buy the RM. ;)

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
The 200 would be better for trails and beginner MX. The MXC model converts over nicely and will be easier to ride on trails, but still go out and MX with the 250's. I'm tellin' you, that 200 makes almost as much poop as a 250. Just ask Shane Watts;) .


Sep 20, 2001
IMO: 250 vs. 125

XR Man,
I believe as far as riding style that you may like the torque of a 250 over that of a 125. With the right pipe, silencer, flywheel weight and jetting, the 250 can be lugged lower in the RPM range, more like a four stroke. This enables using less clutch and becomes closer to what you are use to riding.
On the other hand, a friend rides a '00 KX125 and can dust many a rider in the woods, including me (’99 CR250R). However, on the open straights he gives up power/speed and he'll be the first to tell you that he has to fan the clutch to keep the power where he needs it. He's a small guy (130 lbs.) so the 125 fits him well and he can ride.
If possible, take each (a 125 & 250) on a 20-30 minute trail ride to see which works you the least. Try to use bikes that are very similar as far as modifications go and concentrate on the usable power of each.
Once you make that decision, then try the different brands for the suspension that suits you the best.
After all this, pick your favorite color.

Good Luck,


Dec 27, 1999
A 98 KX 250 might be a decent ride for you (for a used bike). Loads of bottom end power. Very controllable power throughout. Good ergonomics (very flat). Long and stable ride. You wouldn't have to do too much to this bike to ride it in the woods successfully. And it's a great bike on the MX track.

My last bike was a 94 RM 250. I just bought my 98 KX 250 this year and I absolutely love it.


Dec 11, 2000
Hey thanks for the replies guys. I think I will read as much information on the brands and then just pick a color. I went to Georgia Off-Road and looked at the 1998 KX250(Awesome looking bike) Thanks again Matt

1991 Honda XR250R


Apr 17, 2000
I'm sorry if I come off wrong, but how you mention that suzuki's aren't reliable doesn't sit well with me. I'm a little tired of hearing this crap when 90% of the people making this comment haven't owned or ridden a zuke. I've had plenty of bikes, my last two and current being suzukis. Ride a bike, see how it feels. If you like it, buy it. They all have more potential than most any of us can use. They all last long if you take care of them. Once again, see what feels comfortable and go with it. Don't let some fool's unjustified opinion steer you away from any bike.

yz 200 guy

Aug 28, 2000
What is smoother than the 98 KX250?

XR400RMan, I want to say that my 99' KX250 blows away the 98' KX250 in terms of ridability. My friend has a 98 with a Steahly flywheel weight, (12 oz. I believe) but it still hits harder down low and stalls more than my 99' with just a 7 oz. flywheel weight. Both bikes have stock motors otherwise. You really notice the difference between the two right away. I think Kawasaki's use of a throttle position sensor on the 99' that is tied into the digital ignition mapping has the most to do with the change.
I know you all are thinking Why in the world are you looking at 125's and 250's for trails. The answer to that is that the MX Bikes suspension is so much better and they have alot of power, and they are alot lighter.
Careful with that line of reasoning RMan. I had to spend a lot of money revalving my KX to be more plush and compliant for off-road. It still is harsher than my friends KTM400RFS or KTM 125EXC. Listen to Wade on his advice on the KTM200. You get fun power, you get compliant suspension and you get light weight all in one package. You also get a six-speed transmission which is a huge deal for the riding you described. Remember, any modern KX/CR/YZ/RM 250 is going to have a tall first gear. Not good for trail riding and starting racing. If you gear it down (1 tooth up front) like my buddy on his 98' KX250 to get a low 1st gear, then a lot of bikes will run you down out in the open sections, since you will be topped out at around 60 mph. In addition, you will be doing a lot more wheelspin with lower gearing in first, second and third gear, rather than hooking up.

I own a KX and love it, but I'm buying a Gas Gas 250 or 300 for the six-speed, and recommending a clean, used KTM200 for you. Good luck with your decision.


Dec 11, 2000
Hey JPrelude I wasn't saying that Suzuki's aren't Realiable, Thats just what I heard and I wanted to know from you guys. I think the Suzuki's are great looking bikes and I have quite a few movies and all of them have Suzuki's in them and they look like they rip. I think I will consider the KTM200MXC, How does a Kawasaki KDX200 go up against the KTM200MXC? Powerwise? Suspension? Everything. Thanks Matt

1991 Honda XR250R


Jun 8, 2000
I'd also have to say the KTM 200. It's light light a 125, but just as fast as the 250s, especially on the trails. I currently ride a KTM 300 and love it, but the 200s are just as bad-@ss even with the 100cc difference. I'd bet on a KTM against the KDX anyday, they are good bikes also but aren't the same caliber. I'd stay away from the 125's for the trails because they are much harder to ride in my opinion than the 250s. If you do end up going with a japanese bike, invest in a flywheel weight becuase most of those bike are designed for the track, not for the trails.


May 24, 2001
Don't know much about the ktm200mxc other than word of mouth, which is all positive. While lots of people really swear by the kdx, it is certainly not as new a model. Probably a lot cheaper, though, as they haven't changed in so many years, there are good used values there.

Also, there is a ktm200 for sale on this board that sounds and looks great....strange, I know I saw it yesterday, but it appears to have been deleted? Must've sold or seller had a change of heart.


p.s. Buy the RM:confused:
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Sep 3, 2001
I have seen more weird breakdowns and quality control problems with yellow and blue bikes than I have with red and green bikes, and I am exposed to a lot of bikes (hundreds!). This doesn't mean I would never own this or that brand, or think they are junk, just stating my observations.

Tall first gear a problem on mxers? Only in the tightest of woods, and if you are using first gear on an mx track, it must be a really tight track or you are really a beginner (nothing wrong with that). I can go pretty darn slow on my 250 without pulling in the clutch (stock gearing)

two stroke mx bikes rule!!!

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
Yup, I agree. For me a 250 MXer converted is just about perfect, but I'm a glutton for punishment. I bleed CR red. For this instance I've seen too many guys get back into or just get started riding and get beat up by a 250; can't ride a 125 hard enough, leaving the Katoom. It rails, is plush, can plunk along or navigate at warp speed.
Look at what he is looking for: a beginner bike, low-end for trails, reliable with controllable power. This dude needs a pumpkin. There are all kinds of great bikes out there, but none quite as versatile as that scoot.
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yz 200 guy

Aug 28, 2000

Your right, the low first is not a problem on the MX tracks. I was referring to HS racing and trailriding. The manufacturers gear these strong 250's nowdays to reduce wheelspin on the MX tracks. But if you are screwing around and making new trails like we occasionally do here in Eastern Iowa, the tall first is a drag. I like my WR 200 engined YZ125 for that work, or my brother's KDX220. I can ride feet up with more of a trials style, which really helps improve your balance.

Where are you from and where do you ride in Iowa? You must work at a dealership or at a track somewhere to be exposed to hundreds of dirt bikes. What failures have you seen on the blue and yellow bikes? Is there a pattern to the brands?

yz 200 guy


Sep 3, 2001
I don't work at a dealership, but I have been a dirt bike nut for 21 years, go to a lot of races and riding areas, and know many people that ride. As far as your question with a pattern, no, haven't noticed a pattern, I'm thoroughly convinced that with Suzukis for example that it depends which time of the day your bike was made (or they start making bikes before they really have the quality control developed). I have seen some real yellow "lemons", and others that are trouble free.

I live in the central part of the state. Historically we haven't had a lot of great places to ride, but just this year there have been several mx tracks popping up, partly because people are recognizing a need and a chance for a profit from it.

By the way, check out www.mxiowa.com, this is my friend's website.:)


Apr 2, 2001
if i was to get a 250 i would get the 2000 yz250 cause i have ridden one and i liked it out of every 250 i have ever ridden so far, i have ridden a 91 cr250,98 kx250,97 cr250 and the 2000 yz250 i liked the 98 kx and the 2000 yz the best all around good power but the kx was a little more harsh in the handeling department

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