CR250 Fouling Plugs HELP!!!


Sep 12, 2006
I never said that it could not be jetting! But just as one can not jet a bike over the internet, nor can one simply state that his problem is jetting and completely rule out electrical problems either! I simply brought up the suggestion because I have had the exact same symptoms on a correctly jetted bike and it did turn out to be a bad pulse coil on the stator assembly. It also sounds to me like he has already hit most of the basics, and if he has ridden the bike for past six years with out ever fouling plugs, it is very doubtful that the jetting would now be off so far that it will only run 30 minutes with out fouling plugs. I do understand that perfect jetting can change, even between motos, but I also think a person has to keep an open mind to other possiblities. I truely hope he can fix this by simply replacing the float valve or by making a simple change in his jetting, but until you personaly fix the bike yourself, don't slam suggestions made by others. After all some of us just may happen to know as much about bikes as you think you know!


Jul 30, 2007
Thanks everyone for your suggestions, I am hoping I get a chance to wrench on my bike this weekend. Free time has been minimal lately for me, but I am looking forward to posting the resolution to this issue hopefully soon. Thanks again everyone for your input, it is very much appreciated.


Mar 26, 2007
I never said it wasn't the stator, coil, etc. Nor did I ever say or mean to imply that I knew the exact problem.

I (and others) simply were stating that jetting would probably be an easier (and much cheaper) problem to eliminate, compared to replacing the stator.

I just didn't want him to spend $100+ dollars and 2 hours changing the stator when there is a small chance it was a $10 dollar + 30 min possible fix.

Again these are suggestions and this is what I would do in this situation. He sounds like a fairly adept mechanic I'm sure he will read all of these posts and decide his own course of action.


Jun 9, 2004
Checking the floats for sticking is NOT the same as checking the float level.

But whatever, I really don't care that much. Throw expensive parts at it until you get lucky and find the problem.


Jun 21, 2007
I am having a VERY similar problem on my 96 RM250.
Bike runs super strong, for about 1.5 hrs, then loses the plug.
Put new one in, repeat.
I do alot of mixed riding, slow trails, some practice track stuff (small). I ride with 3 other guys, none of then ever go through plugs, while I will go through 2-3 per ride. I use BR8ES or EG.
The plug looks rich when I take it out, carboned up pretty bad.
Can the bike run that strong with jetting that looks that far off?
I tried a BR7ES tonight, it ran like crap, sputtering like crazy off the bottom, then bang on with the power when it clears out a bit.
I am going to try and rejet, should I just do that main, or do all?
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