
Sep 3, 2001
I'm seriously considering a new bike, but need a bit of input.

I currently ride a 2001 CR250 which I bought new. It is stock other than fork springs and jetting, and I love it--no real complaints.

Originally I was going to wait and get a 2004 CR250 (2 stroke), but i'm getting impatient.

1. Any rumors on the 2004? If they just get minor changes, probably not worth the wait.

2. I know there's a few of you out there that have owned both a 2000/2001 and a 2002/2003. Is it worth the switch?

I'm not expecting a lot in the motor department, if I don't like the motor there's always porting. My main motivation here is better suspension, a lighter more "flickable" bike, and just to get a new bike that's tighter.

Help me out fellas!


Aug 25, 2000
Moto, I rode a 2002 back to back with my 2000 and the difference is considerable. I am not a beleiver in "stated weights" or buying by specification numbers. When I got on the 2002 I wasn't expecting much change, but I was mistaken. It really feels alot lighter than the 2nd generation alum frames...almost like a crazy fast 125. "Flickable" is a good description.

The motor was fun, but not quite my tastes...but as you said, you can change that. Don't think you'll be disappointed.

Dirt Guy

Apr 29, 2003
JTT, would you please expand on the differences in the motors. I am in a similar decision mode. I sold may 97 CR250 to go 4stroke. I'm not a 4stroke guy I guess and am considering another CR250. Knowing the differences between the two generation bikes (00/01 vs 02/03), specifically the engine characteristics since you covered the frame/feel already, might help me as well.


Sep 3, 2001
the 2001 has a great motor, probably the best since the famed '93 Cr. The 2000 was also great with a bit less on the very top. That being said, a crisply jetted 2000 would probably rev better than a rich 2001.

I have only ridden a 2002 and not a 2003, my impression (which matches a bit of what I have read) is that the 2002 is quick revving and has a good burst of power in the midrange, but a bit weak on the bottom and top. I'm talking totally stock, not modded.

just about any bike can be made to run well with the right motor mods, I have been way more frustrated trying to get the handling and/or suspension right, hence my post.

Suspension comments 2001 vs. 2003?


Apr 17, 2002
The engines are nothing alike. The 2001 has great bottom mid and insane top hit. The 03 has no bottom or mid but screams on top (and thats after the Vforce Reeds).

The 03 suspension seems to resist bottoming very well. It has great turn-in and feels very light. The 01 required proper springs to resist bottoming and felt a bit top heavy but still very light.

I've only ridden friends CR's so I don't have much time on either. But I rode the 03 2 weeks ago and was only impressed with suspension and handling but it didn't make up for the horribly weak engine. My buddy seems to like the power alot but he rides it like a 125. Its a 250!!! you shouldn't have to do that.


Dirtweek Junkie
Feb 15, 2002
You will love the new frame, it's handling and stability are the best yet. I am happy with my motor but then again the last Honda engine I remember was in the 80's. I have no complaints with my 02 and I here the 03 are just a little better. :thumb:


Feb 11, 2003
i bought my 03 Cr 250R last sept and have absolutely no complaints with it. it will do whatever i ask it to and more i'm sure. actually,I've always been a 2 stroke guy myself and just could'nt get in the 4 stokes at all.


Sep 3, 2001
410 main, 25 pilot, stock slide (not cut) and stock needle, I forget which clip notch-you can also use a washer to get "1/2 notch" adjustment, the needle jet is also leaner than stock-I think s-7 or s-8 but i'd have to look to be sure

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