

Mod Ban
Nov 28, 2002
I am getting a CRF150F and I currently have a XR100r. I have ridden a TTr-125L and I was wondering if anyone knew the CRF compared to teh TTR. I was wondering which had more power, acceleration and all that stuff. If you know anything that would help please tell me. Thank you.


Dec 3, 2001
I'm not sure which one has more power, but what type of riding to plan on riding? woods, mx?


Nov 14, 2000
I have checked into this, and the CRF150F stock vs a stock TTR125 the CRF has makes more. The dnyo's i've seen show a stock ttr average 8.5 hp while the CRF averages 11.5 hp. Both bikes gain a few more horses when they are unrestricted. CRF beats out the TTR by virture of having more CC's. But the CRF also weighs quite a bit more, BBR has some parts out for the CRF and powroll has some out now that will increase the power. Removing the muffler baffle in the CRF I've heard really free's it up. Honda is also offer a "power up kit" for the CRF's it just consists of removing the baffles and changing the jetting it has to be richened stock its too lean.


Sep 11, 2002
If you can pick up the lates issue of "Dirt Bike" they have an indepth review of the CRF150F and they also put it up against a "now obsolete" BBR TT-R125L, As a fan of the blue i have to say Honda did what others need to. Hit the medium because not all riders are kids, and adult men and the CRF150F and CRF230F to come I think will suit the ladies wanting to get involved (not saying these are ladies bikes only)and having a better product to start with than say the XR line. IMO..


Mod Ban
Nov 28, 2002
Thank you guys very much. The kind of riding that I am going to be doing is woods with alot of jumps. I have heard about how you can change the jetting and stuff from my dealer, when i get the bike I wil most likely get a Big Gun exhaust system, that doesn't have a baffle, right? I'm just hoping that the CRF weill have some speed because I can ride a souped up KX and CR 125 with ease so I'm just hoping that the weight of the CRF will slow it down alot. Thank you guys for all the information.


Nov 14, 2000
It will keep up with a 125 mx'er just don't expect it to spank'em, I've heard the suspenion is actually quite capable on the CRF. Someone I talked to who is way to big for the CRF230F they are 230lbs actually had trouble bottoming it in most conditions and the 230 weighs more and the 150 is lighter so it should feel even stiffer. The big gun shouldn't have the baffle in it.


Mod Ban
Nov 28, 2002
Yea, thank you guys very much for your input it really helped me decide which dirtbike I should get. Me and my dad bought the CRF150F for me, and 250ex for him, I'm picking it up on Wensday . Once agian thank you guys soo much for what you told me, I really appriciate it.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
"It will keep up with a 125 mx'er just don't expect it to spank'em, I've heard the suspenion is actually quite capable on the CRF."
Oh man thats low!! You guys gotta really watch what you say on here, some of these people take this stuff for real. The CRF150 is an XR, PERIOD!!! Here are "true to life" experiences: KX65 vrs CRF150 good bye 150 NO PROB!!!! XR250 vrs KX65 good by XR!!!! XR400 vrs KX65 try again some other day XR!!! Of course this was with a 110 pound kid on the KX and a 180 pounder on the others but all bikes were stock!!!
And as far as the suspention goes, I hope its not my son who tries the 100 footer on a CRF150 behind the neighbors YZ125, ouch!!! You realize that when you put the CRF on this pedistol you are placing it in the same category as the YZ250F.
Dont get me wrong, the CRF150/230 (I really shouldnt mention the 230 cause I havent had a chance to ride that yet) are nice bikes but they are just renamed XR's!!


Sep 11, 2002
I almost agree with everything you said, except the part about it being a renamed XR, A completely new bike to replace a couple of the XR bikes. the share no similarities. except perhaps the basic engine "design".

CJ Rider

Apr 3, 2000
'Have to agree with Woodsy here. I went from an XR100 to a TTR125L in the hopes of "moving up" to something more powerful with better suspension. But instead, they were much the same. That's when I "moved over" to the dark side (hehehe).


Mod Ban
Nov 28, 2002
woodsy im sorry but ur wrong bro, the crf will OWN the kx65. and a 65 against a 400, wat r u some kind of an idiot??god i dont care what kinda bike the 65 is motocrosser 2 stroke i dotn give a hsit it will not beat an xr400! get ur facts str8 brutha

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
Originally posted by CRF150RaCeR
the 65 is motocrosser 2 stroke i dotn give a hsit it will not beat an xr400! get ur facts str8 brutha

First off, CHILL OUT! The only reason the "s" word came through in your post is because you can't type for s---. Second, Woodsy has made some very valid points. If you disagree that's fine, but try not show your adolecent roots so much. And as far as bike A beating bike B, I got some news for you. Bikes don't beat bikes, it's all about the rider. So don't get all hung up on which bike is faster. Oh, and you may not like this but the KX65 is actually a potent little mini-bike. The CRF150 is set up as a trail bike which makes it ALOT like the XR line.
Last edited:


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
I found this in the girls section of DRN:

CJ Rider~ A friend of mine just bought a new CRF230 and I cruised it around a bit, but was not impressed. It kinda seemed like a slug powerwise (not much different than the 100) but weighed more than my hubby's YZ 250. Not the bike for me I guess, but I will definitely keep in mind your other suggestions as I look around!

Buy the way, this person was talking about the XR100!!!! ANother suggestion that I continue to make to new riders is just what this person has done - RIDE EM BEFORE YOU BUY EM!!!!!!!!!!!!! This minimizes the "this isnt what I wanted" feelings sometimes associated with purchasing a new bike!!!!!!


Jan 23, 2000
Please note that the Dirt Bike test refered to above said the 150 weighed in at 217 lbs. The pictures in the test show what looks to be a 10 year old on it. I have a big 10 year old, and I'll tell you he would not enjoy handling a 217 lb. bike! That's as much as my CR 250 weighs. The bike is only for an adult sized rider at that weight.


Dec 1, 2002
I've been wading through this topic because I am going to buy a ttr125 for my son. I do like the look of the crf150 and the better power and suspension, but I cannot get past the 217lbs of weight. It weighs 40+ more pounds than the Yamaha! That doesn't make much difference to a 150 lb teenager but my 80 lb ten year old would really struggle with it, I'm afraid.

The crf 150 keep up with a 125 MXer? I guess if they are both in the back of the same pickup. heh heh


2-Strokes forever
Jul 3, 1999
My kids have an '03 KX 65 and my wife has an '03 KLX125 and my buddy has a 9? XR 400 and a 9? KLR 250. The Little 65 will pull the the 125, 250 and 400 in a short drag race . The KLX 125 will also pull the KLR 250!

For what ever it is worth, thats my $.02



Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Hey Kevin: I appreciate your pointed honesty about that! I try to call the shots from the hip when I comment in these forums and my responses are not always taken, shall we say, graciously. Always nice to meet another rider who DOESNT CARE about others "non substantiated" opinions - just the truth!
How does that KLR 250 run against the XR400?


2-Strokes forever
Jul 3, 1999
The KLR is pretty slow. It is after all a modern street legal 250 4-stroke. The XR will pull it on short and long drags. But for what it is worth I'd rather ride the XR 400 then the others, but then that was not the question. I doubt that the CRF 150 would keep up to bikes with 2+ times as much HP bigger diameter wheels and 2 times more (modern) suspension travel i.e. 125 MX bikes, on a track. In the woods, in technical sections you may very well beat a full blown open (that is up to 500cc, or it was in back in the day anyway) class 2 smoke MX bike (depends on rider). Get the bike that fits you now and if you grow out of it in ability or size... sell it and get another. ( It sucks to choose ... I know I want about 12 bikes at last count!)



Jun 29, 2007
man go get you a crf150r this is a "racing" bike not some little trail bike thats a 216 pound an :ride: only go like 58 mph


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
j8harm said:
man go get you a crf150r this is a "racing" bike not some little trail bike thats a 216 pound an :ride: only go like 58 mph

Do you realize you just replied to a post from FIVE years ago! :coocoo:

Brad V

Jul 4, 2007
yea i got a 230 and to tell ya the truth its a dog, so if ur lookin for speed go with a 125 mx. the suspension is alright im 150 pounds and i have no problems with it. it woulda been nice if it was faster, got a 75$ ticket today ridin to the local spot ehhhhh...... oh well.
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