Crusty 7 (and FMX idiots)

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Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
I got a chance to see the "latest" of the Crusty series (Crusty 7 for those counting) and the more I see this crap the more it drives me crazy.

Someone needs to tell the 2 boneheads (Jon and Dana) that are putting this crap on tape that this is the LAST thing our sport needs. I swear if I see one more "ghost ride" or some tatted-out punk flipping the bird for the camera put on a video tape I am going to puke.

There is some good riding on the tape, but it is too bad that you have to sift through all the footage of these FMX idiots trashing bikes and acting like fools and trashing whatever they can get their hands on.

I give it 2 thumbs down. Fleshwound (Jon and Dana) - you guys need to grow up and take a more responsible approach to producing tapes that might actually help promote a POSITIVE image. If you stop putting these jerks tearing stuff up and acting like idiots on your tapes, then maybe they'll tone it down a bit. At the very least they won't have a reason to "show off" for the camera if you don't condone such acts of foolishness. One last remark - SHOW US RIDING!!! We don't need all the other crap or any more of those "wonderful" shots of fools doing ghost riders, flipping the bird, or trashing (insert object of choice here). :|



Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
The newest vid is actually crusty 8 ;) And if you watched the movie either you or someone close to you bought the video so they have got your business and that's all that they are out for.

Jeff im not knocking you but there are actually people who want to watch the crusty series of movies, just as there are people who want to watch on any sunday movies. They have a steady market and genre that is sucessful, why should they change now? It's just good business practice to stick with what's succesful, when sales die off that's when they will change. :thumb:

PS. I watched Crusty 8 yesterday for the first time and I just thought it was ok, nothing special. A friend and I did a review for our upcoming magazine and we said what we felt, the vid wasn't that good.


Jun 16, 1999
Crusty 1 & 2 were OK, everything else has been weak. As far as "free riding" vids go, I still think Steel Roots owns.

Time to Ride is my favorite overall. I saw the teaser vid for Time to Ride 2, but I don't think it actually came out. Anybody know what the deal was with that?


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
i really liked crusty 1 and 2. i like the big jumps, dune riding and just general play riding. once the freestyle tricks started to dominate the videos, i lost interest. the last one i bought was crusty 2000, which i thought was horrible. i just got a new copy of on any sunday. it's just as inspiring as it was thirty years ago.


Dec 31, 1969
Jeff im not knocking you but there are actually people who want to watch the crusty series of movies
There are also people who like to watch car accidents.... what's your point? Jeff's was clear; leave out the pre-teen violence/mayhem crap.

City Council board meeting, new riding area on the agenda...
Someone pops-in Crusty Morons 8; "here is what will happen if we approve this" ... ignorant (understandably so) public votes unanimously against new riding area...


Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
There are also people who like to watch car accidents.... what's your point?

That was the most rediculous analogy I have ever heard LOL!!! :silly:

People can take ANY thing and turn it against us riders. I guess we just have to deal with that, but saying we should have Dana eliminate what is obviously a good business is plain stupid. I don't agree with everything in those movies, but I tend to think if I don't worry about stuff that I cant change ill live a little bit easier. If you don't like it, dont buy it. Pretty plain and simple.

PS. While we are at it lets ban gun magazines, hunting shows "you know because someone may go hunt off season"
Umm sport bike movies, OH WAIT! Better cancel the new matrix movie as well, infact we better cancel ALL movies because they present a bad image on human society. :silly:
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2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999
Thats so true Okie, and believe me when I stood in front of a county board and was acused of being a gang member from chicago, a organized crime particapant, blah, blah, blah..............its dam near comical (really isn't) watching an 85+ year old lady with a walker, stand there and cry that I was the devil coming to ruin her back yard's wild life. I mean there were people in the room at times during all this that couldn't contain the laughter.
but of course it wasn't funny, 2000+ dollars, tons of leg work, 1.5 years of trying, to get shut down like that was a bitch.

these "kids" doing the flips and such are going to end up bringing in the government to our sport, with the reasoning that we can't control ourselves and insurance people will be right behind the safty institutes to kick our butts.
If freestyle gets anymore popular, lands on a 20/20 or 60minutes, we all have a problem.

I do not allow my kid at 7 to watch the stuff, we only had some of the early ones, no more. Its not good for racing & racing, and anyone that can proove that one different is welcome to try.

society works and operates on perception, if you look like a dipsh, then you likely will get treated like one. fact of life. right or wrong.
for over 20 years I was looked at like a 'bad guy' when i was gassing up on sunday morning and those suits were headin for church would just shake there head.

we all complain that our sport isn't taken seriously enough, with this stuff it just made that hill alot steeper and harder to climb!



Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
Maybe I don't see this as good as you guys do. It could be my "youthful ignorance" but I really don't see what the point of bitching about it is.

What can be done to stop guys from doing flips? NOTHING, if they like doing flips then why can't they do them? If you guys think they look like idiots and this and that other crap then fine, thats your opinion. Has anyone here watched the new "Chapter 2" movie? Listen to Travis, listen to Metzger, they tell their side of it.

I agree, a guy lighting himself on fire and doing a wheelie down a street is stupid, but there is a big difference between that and freestyle "flips and whatnot"

I have had to go to town meetings and defend myself and others and if you are so concerned about getting the image out of their minds about being "gang members" prove to them you are not. My local group of riders watch crusty movies, but when push came to shove we showed the county board that we were respectable people, we have since organized an entire riding community/club with passes and couldn't be happier.

Don't whine about what you can't change, try to change what you can :cool:


2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999
Your preaching to the choir my friend. I have been in this a long time, been in front of many different types of boards. Plain and simple i will bitch and complain when it makes my job harder. In fact when they come knocking on the door to regulate this stuff, you can bet people I know will have a huge fight on thier hands. Not to mention how it will affect my business's. So yep I won't stand on the soap box alot on a post board. When I am in the mood, I will complain about it, because if these boys want to jepordize my sport with their antics they will get no kind of support, including some of the "racers" mentioned.

The attitude "nothing" can be done is not totally correct. Sitting around and not voiceing an opinion is the part of nothing that is the worse part.
Simply because thinking is that if there isn't any attitude towards it, then it means that we quietly accept it.

Ok go back to that same county board after the ambulance runs 15-20 times in a couple of months with these crusty riding copy cats come to your area and start demoing themselves into the ground. See how well you reputation stands up.

I really don't need to listen to anyone that tells me that this type of new riding is cool? In the "real world" for kids, (which they have to be kids) to learn this stuff early enough to be any good, the risks are not acceptable.

Anyway, if you guys north of the border are that good at convincing county boards.............I can line you up with 10-12 different people who would pay nicely for your services.



Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001

Point taken wardy. But I still feel that me and some local yokels being ticked at "Crusty movies" isn't going to do anything. There are literally thousands of movies being made out there and thousands of them are being bought, they arn't only crusty movies :cool: But it's in the freedom of rights, if they want to make those movies they will, we can't stop their freedom can we?

I understand that it has to be hard to operate when people are running themselves into the ground like lemmings, but what about great race movies like thor's "behind bars" what if some kid trys to do a triple and wicks himself into a fence? Then do we ban all race movies? Im not completly out to lunch on this, it takes skill and a big set to jump off your bike and do a seat grab, no one just goes out there and says "hell cletus, im gunna try me a back flip" It just doesn't happen and if it does then that's darwin's theory in full effect. I think more riders are getting hurt trying to attempt big-air, but I have yet to see some kid go for a Superman Seat Grab that has NO skill.

I dunno, it just seems like a dead horse to me. You don't like the movies, I do. Im not about to light myself on fire and do a backflip in a lake with no shirt on :) :yeehaw:


Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
My point was that the Crusty films as of late are strewn with sensless acts of stupidity. Trashing hotel rooms, ghost riding bikes, dragging bikes, burning bikes, jerks flipping the bird for the camera (now that is intellegent AND original). It is pure CRAP and it does nothing positive for the image of the sport at all IMO. What did I do???

I sent the guys at Fleshwound email:

Dana and Jon:

I am writing you this letter out of concern. Concern for the image of my beloved sport and the negative images that litter your recent productions. As a fan of Motocross and FMX I must say that I see your latest releases of the "Crusty" series as doing more harm than good for the image of off-road motorcyclist everywhere. I enjoy watching folks ride, so don't get me wrong here....

What appalls me is the other crap I must sift through during any of the more recent Crusty episodes where senseless acts of destruction and total disregard are depicted repeatedly. How many more scenes of those "thrilling" ghost rides must I endure? How many more shots of some shirtless tatted-out punk flipping the camera the finger can you capture on tape? How many more bikes have to get burned/dragged/smashed/etc. before you guys WAKE UP and start making movies about people actually RIDING their bikes instead of destroying them? I for one will continue to boycott the Crusty series as well as tell all 22,000 of my closest friends on to avoid making the mistake of purchasing and consequently supporting your efforts to perpetuate and enhance the negative image of off-road motorcyclist everywhere.

In my opinion (and many others like me) you guys need to grow up and take a more responsible approach to producing tapes that might actually help promote a POSITIVE image of our sport. If you would stop putting these jerks tearing stuff up and acting like idiots on your tapes, then maybe they'll tone it down a bit. At the very least they won't have a reason to "show off" for the camera if you don't condone such acts of foolishness. One last remark – JUST SHOW US SOME GOOD RIDING and leave out all of the other crap that just perpetuates the stereotypes that the ignorant masses have already formulated regarding motorcycle riders.

-Jeff #####


Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
Jeff you sub-labled your thread "FMX idiots". What were you trying to mean by that?

The guys that do the dumb crap in these movies arn't always Pro-fmx riders, half the time they are just idiots that will do anything to get in the movie :thumb:


Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
Simply that most of the idiots on the Crusty series are guys that are Free-ride or Free-style MX riders - NOT RACERS.

Not to worry, I am not stereo-typing all FMX riders (that compete, anyway) because there are some genuinely good folks riding and competing in FMX. There are also some idiots too, but you get those pretty much anywhere. It just appears to me that the Crusty tapes are waaaaaaay over quota here....



Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Originally posted by CanadianRidr
no one just goes out there and says "hell cletus, im gunna try me a back flip" It just doesn't happen and if it does then that's darwin's theory in full effect. 

You can hope that someone doesn't do this but they will and their families or insurance company will sue the manufacturers, the park, and the government for letting their idiot relative have the right to auger their dumbass into the ground.  All this before the government closes your favorite place to ride.  Sorry, Canadain, it has already happened and it will happen again until something is done from within OUR sport before someone OUTSIDE of OUR sport does it for us.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
Jeffd you sound like you can differentiate between a true FMX athlete and a FMX-idiot. I have respect for a person like you :thumb:

Bswift. It's bound to happen, but like I said what about all the other aspects of the sport? The guy who sued yamaha crashed on a small double, I believe they said the gap was only 8 meters or something to that effect. So it goes to show if people will sue the manufacturing companies they are going to sue them. I think we are missing the big problem here, allthough I don't know what that is and trying to even think about it makes my head hurt :)


Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
Originally posted by CanadianRidr
Jeffd you sound like you can differentiate between a true FMX athlete and a FMX-idiot. I have respect for a person like you :thumb:

CR - I won't even bother getting into a series of personal attacks with you. It just isn't worth it...

My point was that the stuff these guys are putting out is junk and is harmful to our reputations and the sport in general. The Crusty series is arguably the most identifiable of the 'Xtreme" sports videos depicting off-road motorcycle riding. It is a SHAME that these bozos don't use their popularity to promote a better image. With great power comes great responsibility. These guys have the attention of a million youths (and their parents as well). I think that they could do better. I guess you don't see it that way....

BTW - Idiots of any type are pretty easy to identify IMO. Their words and actions usually give 'em away almost immediately. :thumb:



Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
Ummm.....Jeff I was being serious. I was glad to see you said you could tell the diff between the good guys and the bad guys. See? LOL!

Hahaha, reason one for internet fights :) it's hard to tell when people are being sarcastic and when they arn't.
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Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
My bad! I coulda sworn I detected a note of sarcasm in those keystrokes of yours! :confused:



Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
Hahaha, nope Jeff. I was actually pleased to see that when it "seemed" you hated all FMX'ers and thought they were all "idiots", I was proven wrong by you saying you know there are true and real FMX riders out there who compete.

No harm :)

PS. So im not worth it huh? LOL! J/K!!


Aug 30, 2002
I really like the Crusty series of videos and I buy every one that comes out. I agree that giving the camera "the finger" is really stupid, but the riding and cinematography is great and I enjoy the videos overall. I do wish Time to Ride 2 would come soon. That is one of my favorites.


Sep 15, 2000
I see worse #$%^ watching Fox on a Friday night than anything in a Crusty vid. If you don't like it, don't watch it.


Dec 31, 1969
Some of you guys are missing the point ... completely.

Convince the folks that use this stuff as ammunition against our sport not to watch it and it's all good. I don't think anyone here believes people don't have the right to act like idiots. We do get upset when these people acting like idiots have/can have an negative impact on our sport.

The basic rule of "rights"? You have the right to do or say whatever you want until it infringes on the rights of someone else. What some of us fear is that these people expressing their right to make movies of morons may very well have an impact on our right to ride. It's all about perception boys... like it or not, it matters. You've got to take into account the ignorance of the general public... all they know about us is what they see in movies and read in the paper. I'm not pleased that Joe Public see's a bike in the back of truck and associates me with tat covered gansta wanabe's who's only goal is to tear stuff up and destroy the landscape.

Look at the ad with Tyler Evans in the Feb Transworld. I couldn't care less that he wants to look like a gang-banger, but it gives an impression that people associate with those that ride dirtbikes; and it's not a good one. (It would be entertaining to drop him off on the south side of Chicago dressed like that, lol)

Point? We are under the magnifying glass as it is. Stuff like this just makes it harder for those trying to keep land open. Right or wrong isn't the issue. It's the way it is.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
So now you don't like the way Tyler Evans dress's? LOL, get over it bud. Maybe Tyler doesn't like the way you dress :confused: :)

Anyways, if for some stupid reason I wanted to film myself giving my camera the finger I can do that. Or if I wanted to ghost ride my bike off a ramp in a field I can do that too, does it serve a point? Hell no, therefore I won't do it. But if some guy wants to than that's his business. NOW, IF he ghost rides his bike into a crowd of people THEN it's your business and infringing on YOUR rights. People will look negatively on us no matter how many "Tyler Evans" there are.

PS. I have talked with Tyler Evans before and he's a stand up guy, donates to charity, does all the "good guy" stuff, didn't treat me as less equal because im not as good as him on a bike, so lets get off the "he looks bad" garbage. It's all stereotypes in the business :silly:
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