Actually, I curl quite a bit, and it's suprisingly fun. It does look stupid, I'll give you that, but it's a good time just having some with your buddies. It takes far more skill than you think. It's like chess, but on ice. Granted, the fact it's an Olympic event is a little weak, but at least it's not a judged event! cough..cough.Figure Skating..cough. :confused:
The reason they 'sweep' in front of the stones is to melt the ice a little bit, and make it go straighter and farther. You have to balance the amount of 'curl' with the weight of your throw in order to place it just right in the house (rings). Really, don't knock it til ya try it!
Motley Crue Rules! :aj:
Just wanted to use the 'smiley'...