Cylinder Valves


Aug 27, 2002
Hi every one. I just got done reading a thread on The Truth ABOUT CYLINDER VALVES' and it talked about a leaker .Which from what I read I understand what can cause them to leak but my question is what are the symtoms when these CV's leak ! do they become soft ! Do the forks get harsh. Being that the CV serves as a secondary passive valve would this just effect the high speed. Just curious. It really didn't get into( the thread that is) what the symtoms would be if you had a leaker. Second question if you had a leaker whether its a bushing, seal or drilling thru the CV can they be fixed

thanks russ17

Jeremy Wilkey

Owner, MX-Tech
Jan 28, 2000
The CV can be fixed with a little care. The endcrimps need to be machined off and a spacer made that compresses the CV so it seals upon reasembly. Then useing a driver you can remove the shims and valve. From that point the bushing and seal can be repalced. (The seal can be reused) As for one that was drilled, the valves ports can be repostioned and that will create a new sealing edge.

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