Hello Scotty, since this event will be at Georgetown we wanted a new name as everyone associates the Training Wheels with Foresthill. The problem we are having at FH is the logging, they can't give us anytime frame of when and where they will be logging, hopefully they will be done this year and we can bring back the Tw at FH, I have not been at FH in a few years but hear the QUADS are tearing it up.
The trails at GTown are more technical with some switchbacks, uphills and downhills. We have tried to put together a good course (I am not in charge of the course thankfully) with what we have to use. This will be more diffecult the FH and more inline with the Piglet.
Thank You FarmerJohn for the god replay.
Kraig Traum
D36 Committeeman
CERA President.