
Dec 8, 2000
Well it looks like district 36 wont be letting you reserve your number from last year. It looks like you will get it when you attend your first event! That sucks.. Anyone else have any other info??

Unkle Moose

Jan 16, 2001
Well you know what I think of that:uh: I can see the long lines at the Prairie City GP again:( Just think how easy it is when your bike and helmet are already numberd:D But noooooooooooooooo lets screw it up. I just wish D-36 and clubs putting on races would sign up with PayPal so we could do online registering. When they tried it before it sure was nice and easy. Well see in line at the next race. Senior c glass.
Have A Safe And Happy Holiday.:)


Sep 22, 2000
Yeah. well it appears to me that they are probably going to allow people to reserve numbers just like last year. i think last year it went out around this time. I believe the info will be up on the site in the next day or so. I am guessing there will be a mailer just like last year. There is a good chance since they just finished up the "final" standings due to delays from the qualifier...they probably were waiting until everything was official before making a move. I am guess that those hard working volunteers at D36 are swamped with other issues like the holiday season and their families. Or maybe they are working to finalize standings, prepare for the awards banquet, meet with clubs about next years events, working on rule updates, working on trying to get additional contigency sponsors for next year, fighting land use battles. I wonder if those guys from the district have jobs? I wonder if they like to go riding too?

Please try to be patient. I know that hard working volunteers dont really enjoy hearing the whining when they are working their tail off for you the rider. I know they are always looking for more help, maybe you should volunteer some of your time to help the cause.

A rider can earn championship rank, A class championship and or B/C series points just by volunteering for 1 race a season. Shoot you can get 4th overall points!!!!! Shoot that means if you are B rider after round 1 you will be ranked right up there will the Garrahans, Wesner and Zimmerman. Sure would be a good head start! Prairie City is a good race to help out at. First race of the year, 600 riders, it can be pretty intimidating trying to make it happen with so few bodies helping out. Better yet, join a club, make your own club and put on an event. District 36 is only as strong as we riders are willing to make it. Contact the Polka Dots, contact the District. Every little bit helps.

We have a strong youth cross country series now. It was completely brought on by a regular rider who wondered why we did not have kids races. He stepped up the to the plate and now we have something great going. We need more people like that.

Oh yeah. I am pretty sure the online company D36 was using went under. I bet they are looking into doing it again because it was so successful, but it probably takes time, effort, and money to put a program like that together.

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Unkle Moose

Jan 16, 2001
enduro8 Sorry I came off a little harsh:( I used to belong to club back in the early 80's. I got of riding for a few years and came back a year ago. I have sent my old club 2 e-mails about joining and getting info but for 6 months no response. I appreciate the efforts all clubs, members, family nad freinds do to put on a race. I just wish they could the signups more organized. Bigger signs for what table and line you should be in (most don't even look like ligns because every starts crowding around, it would be nice to see cone and rope for the lines. When you pre register and get to the race, go to signup, ask what line for pre registered riders, most don't know and uassally not marked. I just wish more people would join the AMA & D-36 before going to the races, and pre register.

So lets all have a safe and happy holiday and a safe racing season next year.:)


Dec 4, 2000
Three cheers for E8.


Dec 8, 2000
I am very sorry too!! I didnt mean to offend anyone. I wish I had the extra time...i wouldnt mind helping out. I think the volunteers are doing an excellent job. I am looking foward to this new season!!
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