Jan 11, 2024
I am a new member here who just found this site. You can tell by the title that I am an old guy. I have a 1971 Yamaha AT1C-MX with matching serial numbers on the frame and engine. This number is AT1-418229. I have seen only one other like it, #419614. I know this machine very well since I purchased it in 1975 from a college acquaintance and I have all my service paperwork. Has anyone else seen a bike like this with a 400000 serial number? It appears to have a CT2-type frame with the welded on housing for a steering lock, something that #419614 has, too. The actual lock mechanism is not present, just the welded-on housing.

P.s.: I have always been obsessed with the Japanese tiddlers. The book at Amazon entitled The Tiddler Invasion (published in 2013) is mine. Thank you for your support.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Welcome! Your book sounds like an interesting read. I'll have to see about getting ahold of a copy. I can't help you on your question but there may be someone that can.

I'm always impressed by people that had the presence of mind to hang on to their early bikes. I wish I had kept my Suzuki '73 TM125. Oh well, at least I still have bikes to ride! Do you still ride yourself? I know a few guys that are still riding into their 80s. I'm only in my mid 60s so I have a ways to go before hanging it all up.
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