
Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
With the D14 Enduro Awards Banquet drawing near, I've gone through and reconciled all D14 enduro riders against the list of paid memberships provided by the D14 Membership Administrator. As a result, some additional riders are now included as part of the point standings, and some have been dropped. The overall net result is a total of 34 riders dropped from the D14 point standings.

Please check the updated point standings to see if or how you've been affected:

If you are not included in the point standings, and feel this is in error, please let me know ASAP. It may be due to a simple typographical error, e.g., AMA number on record with the District does not match the AMA number maintained within the points system, name misspelling, etc.

There are still 3 events and 5 weeks left before the year-end awards banquet. Please do not wait until the final week to try and get this cleared up. If you have paid your D14 membership for 2007, and are not listed in the point standings, please e-mail your name, address, phone number, AMA number, and D14 membership number to: points at~sign

Due to the way D14 membership applications were recorded this year, anyone who has paid their membership fee, regardless of actual date paid, will get D14 points credit for all events completed in 2007. Please note that this will not be the case next year. For the 2008 season, you must be paid by or on the event date in order to get points for that event. If your membership fee is paid after an event, you will not get points credit for any previous events completed in that season.

The District 14 Membership Administrator is accepting 2008 membership applications beginning November 16th, 2007, so you will have 5 months to get your 2008 membership paid before start of next year's enduro season. Don't wait.... Get it done early!


Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 3, 2001
Hey...where did the chairman go? I think the district pays for his membership.
He is very underpaid for the effort he provides to the D14 enduros.


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
FWIW, I did not go through the list and reconcile manually... I wrote a program that sets membership status based on the data provided by the D14 membership administrator. The unique identifier is AMA number, so if this number and last name is not a match between the two systems, the rider will not be listed in the point standings. Since posting, I've received several corrections that will result in some members being added back in.


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
Ah Ha!

D14 Membership Administrator said:
I just received an e-mail from a rider about membership points. He said that you did not have him on your list as a current member. Upon looking up his application, I realized I had made a mistake when sending you the file with the current members. I failed to send you the people who has signed up from Nov. 15, 2006 - December 31,2006. These memberships are carried from last year and all these people are current 2007 members (as we discussed on the phone Friday). The list I sent you last week contains all those members signed up from January 1, 2007 to present. Therefore, I am now attaching the list of the riders that signed up in the 2006 carryover period. This rider is actually a current member now that we look at this list. I apologize for the error and hope I have not caused you too much trouble. Feel free to call or e-mail me with any questions you may have.
Look for an update to the point standings later this week...


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
Well alrighty then! :cool:

Point standings have been updated to include an additional 12 District 14 members / riders. These were folks who paid for their '07 membership at the end of '06, but were inadvertently omitted from the list that was provided by the Membership Administrator.

In the end, we had 6 members added to the point standings, 28 dropped, for a net drop of 22 riders from the standings.

Check 'em out, and let me know if you think there are still any errors or omissions.

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