
Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
I ordered a Leatt brace for my son last week, it arrived Tuesday. No ride reports unfortunately until spring unless he hits up the indoor track.


Oct 5, 2001
if you dont mind me asking, what are they worth in winnipeg and where did you get it ordered from?

Will is 7 now,and he wants to race this spring, i picked up an sx 50 for him and now i think i want to get a brace as well.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
The video is currently down as this was leaked from a preview for someone. Steve Giberson is currently preparing a much smaller version and it will be available later today.

Curt, I ordered mine through the US website and got the Club model (cheapest one) for $395. My guess is most of our dealers will be slow to get on the bandwagon and from what I've heard demand has been so great that dealers are having a hard time getting stock since Leatt is filling so many orders right now.

The USA site is

The Canadian site is

I ordered through the US because after attempting to contact the Canadian people I was not inspired to think the brace would arrive anytime soon. Seems they are a little behind the 8 ball as far as being ready for prime time.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
While we wait here is a reply from Jimmy Button in regards to the brace on another forum.

Jimmy Button said:
Everyone out there listening, listen to this. I know alot of you that are in the industry or go to the races see me, and think that I am good now. Well, in many repects you are right, I can walk, feed myself, go to the restroom, etc. Which, all of this is wonderful and I am so thankfull for, however, no one out there, except for the other individuals that are in my shoes, understands how difficult my life is. I am not crying out saying poor me, because I never have, but believe me, you do not want my life. Since my accident in SD on January 22, 2000 I have not had a single day without tremendous pain, that is 2,573 days of continuous pain with no end in sight, at least I hope not for a long time. I will deal with the pain. My point is, everyone should at least try the brace. You cannot ever make everyone do something, but I think that if you can possibly prevent this injury from happening, you should at least give it a shot. No matter how much the brace cost, you should buy it. In fact if you cannot afford the brace, then maybe you should not be buying a $6K + motorcycle to begin with. Like DB I have been pretty silent on this whole deal, but it is getting worse and worse seeing all of these injuries. Like DB said, when I heard about my friend Ernesto getting hurt by a phone call from Larry Brooks, I got physically sick. You do not want any part of this injury. Let's all get going on making these things mandatory. They are required in every major motorsport out there, but ours. Let's all make a change. I will help doing what I can do, especially with my riders that I represent.

Take Care, JB


Oct 5, 2001
i can see that the cheap foam ones might give a little bit of a cushion, but i have a hard time believing that they would really be effective in preventing a neck injury in anything other than a very minor crash. and latley the minor crashes seem to be the ones where the damage is done.

the initial cost is high though and i dont think these will catch on unless they become mandatory.

maybe the big clubs can offer an entry fee or licence discount for anyone wearing an approved brace.

we've come pretty far regarding concusions here in manitoba, we need to get on this before we have another accident like Jody.Z.

Solid State

Mar 9, 2001
Quite the video. The man is telling it the way he sees it for sure. I am embarrassed to say that I do not know much about this brace or its effectiveness at all. Bailey should have demonstrated its use some how so people like me would get a better initial product opinion.

I know how he feels, but some info like who makes it, how much roughly does it cost, how available is it, how is it worn, how long does it last, what sizes does it come in, do insurance companies cover it and so on would have been easy to fit into the speech. Nobody would have thought he was pitching it for any personal gain. I hope he's successful with the attempt.


Aug 2, 2006
I noticed that there is a piece that travels slightly down the spine. Can you wear the underneath style chest protecter with that because the one i have allready has a full spine plate all the way down.


Dec 31, 1969
I've got mixed emotions about the video. David's intent, I'm sure is sincere, but damn, what a sales pitch. Sorry, that's just how it hit me. That being said, seems like a great device.

Calling everyone out like that just rubbed my fur backwards.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Okiewan said:
I've got mixed emotions about the video. David's intent, I'm sure is sincere, but damn, what a sales pitch. Sorry, that's just how it hit me. That being said, seems like a great device.

Calling everyone out like that just rubbed my fur backwards.

I don't see it as a sales pitch at all, I'd have to go back and watch it again but did he even name the product? He also states it's not all about this particular brace as it may not stop everything but...

As far as calling everyone out I say good for him. Dude is in a chair he knows what's waiting for the next guy to join him in that position and he's tired of no one being proactive. Nice to see someone in the position to make an impact doing so in my opinion.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
MXobssesed4 said:
I noticed that there is a piece that travels slightly down the spine. Can you wear the underneath style chest protecter with that because the one i have allready has a full spine plate all the way down.

We received instructions on how to modify the chest protector to work with the Leatt brace when we got the package. If you have questions I would not hesitate to call Geoff at Leatt as he was extremely helpful with my questions.

Bottomline for me is that even though it is expensive as a parent I couldn't live with myself if my son got hurt when it's possible this brace may have helped. If in the end it's proven the brace isn't very effective, well it's a $400 hit to the wallet I'm prepared to take versus an unnecessary risk to my son's well being.
Last edited:


Dec 31, 2006
wow...very humbling. I didnt take it as a sales pitch.I think he just ment a neck brace in general. Nascar makes all their drivers wear a hauhns device. AMA makes riders wear helmets. So why not a neck brace. I like the way he called out the big names in the sport. When my docter told me I would have to wear a wrist brace to ride(from a sled riding mishap!) I didnt think much of it. He then asked me about neck braces because his 4year old son wants a dirtbike. His exact words were "I can put his arms and legs back together, but I worry about his core". Im glad I found this video. Kinda puts things in perspective. Thankyou David Bailey.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Doug since you picked it up from me this week I have been thinking alot about making Eric wear one. My biggest fear has been neck injuries (I broke mine when I was 7 years old and know the pain it causes- I was a lucky one that has no loss of movement) and this fear has in the past made me make several offers to him to quit racing. The video just compounds my fears and resolve to take some action . As you said it is a $400 hit if it doesn't work or better yet never gets tested on him but the one time it works is worth more then I could ever dream of owning.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Dave the mod is to open up the neck area enough for it to fit inside the CP. You can wear it without a CP as there is also a strap to keep it from flopping around. The brace does not attach to the CP in anyway.


Sponsoring Member
Jun 8, 2003
i noticed that the "moto r" in-car version is SFI38.1 certified for head&neck restraint systems in-car. however, there is no certification for the newer "moto gpx" system for unrestrained driver use (motorcycles). of course this could be because there is no such test for this industry yet. i would like to see some independent research on the product to ensure that it at least will not cause more serious issues. even at $400 each, i would get them for the family as this is one issue that really scares me. i may just have to get one and have my local ortho guy look it over. (of course his opinion is that i should take up sky diving so that he does not have to clean up after my mistakes...)

you may want to get one quick - looking at the company on nasdaq, it does not appear to be doing too well. perhaps they need a stock brace...

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