Diabetic racers?


Nov 11, 2001
Just wondering if anyone knows any type 1 diabetics that race MX/SX. I quit racing when I was 25 yrs old to go to college. I raced expert/pro-am class and did some outdoor nationals and eastern 125 supercross's during the early-mid 90's, but knew I never would make a carrer out of it. Weh I was 26 I was diagnosed as a type 1 diabetic. I've finished my degree and want to start racing again and was wondering if anyone has this condition and is a competitive racer.

I have it under control, and run 10-12 miles 3-4 times a week. So I'm in better shape than I was when racing before, but need info on how someone may go about insulin regimiens, etc on a race day.


Jul 29, 2000
South America
Are you on insulin?
If you can run for the same time periods as two motos then you've got it all under control dude.
But consider this: stress causes or greatly contributes to disease. MX is a big stress on the body. I have low blood sugar and used to race and believe the condition would of been made worse if I had continued. I just trail ride now and enjoy myself far more than when I was racing.


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
I'm no MX'er, but I am a type 1 diabetic. I take two insulin shots per day and have for the past 6 years. I keep close watch over my sugar levels, and although my endurance level is not what it was before I'm still good for a long day of tough trail riding. Some things that I have learned are to eat right, have pasta or other grain based foods the night before a tough ride. This helps to keep your sugar from going too low. Carry some sort of gluecose with you in case you start to feel bad. I have a few tubes of gluecose tablets I keep in my hydration pack. If you start to feel bad then stop! I fortunately have never had any problems but if you start to feel faint or otherwise ill then stop and take a break, drink some fluids and take some gluecose if necessary. Water is the best fluid, but occasionally I'll drink some gatorade, just don't overdo it. Take your insulin as you normally would, but if you need to eat a snack before starting the race, having a slightly elevated sugar level for a SHORT period of time will cause no damage to you. Hope this helps.


May 6, 2001
The Arizona Republic just ran a story on a diabetic mx'er who is also an operating room (male) nurse. You might check it out on their website. It was in the sports section on either 11/26 or11/27.


Jun 7, 2001
Diabetic and High Blood Pressure

I have diabeties and high blood pressure. I also weigh about 350 pounds. I just bought a CRF450 and started racing GP's. I finished the Elsinore GP and an SRA GP race and not in last place. In fact, I felt pretty good at the end of the 45 min moto. I plan on doing the Carlsbad Christmas GP this weekend. I think starting riding again will help me to overcome by weight problem. At least I am having a lot of fun racing and watching my 12 year old son race too.

Warren Davis:)


Mar 22, 2001
Hey whoop, I'm going to race the GP there also, come by and say hi, YZF400 #3, black truck.


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
Being a Type I, you probably know this already, but try taking 1/2 your normal dose of long-acting insulin (NPH/L/UL/LANTIS) & none of your immediate (R/HUMALOG) the morning of the race, (if in the morning;) ). This is somewhat analagous to what we have Type I's do prior to surgery when "npo"--"nothing by mouth".

Good luck.


Nov 11, 2001
Thanks for your replies.
Nephron- When I run I do just that. Actually take half of NPH, eat a small lunch and then run for an hour, and it works perfectly most of the time. I'm curious how this will work for MX. I'll just see in the spring I guess. Thanks
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