
Aug 6, 2001
My friend Chris asked me to help him do his top end and I was thrilled to do it. I had read so much about it and was still intidimated, as most kids who had never taken an engine apart would. I was amazed at how well I knew things in there, just from reading posts and reading articles on Eric's site (which by the way helped out a whole lot). The job itself was really easy for the most part, with a few sticky situations. I just wanted to ask a few things and say a few things and maybe you guys could shed some light on it.

We didn't have a pin puller so to get the piston pin out we used a 3/8" extension, firm pressure, and some penetrating oil to push it out. That is the correct way to do it if you don't have a pin puller right? The rod bearings all appeared to be fine so we both we confident it was good.

Anyone who tries putting in circlips without a rag in the case is either just a complete pro at top end jobs, or a complete nut LOL. Saved my butt about 4 times when trying to get the one side in. We didn't even think of putting the one side in with the piston off the rod until I read through Eric's tips. It's tedious and you have to be patient, but I got it in there properly using the needlenoses with the opening of the clip as far away from the opening in the piston as possible.

The ring confused us for a while because we thought it was supposed to be compressed before the cylinder went on but with the oil on the piston the cylinder went on really easy and the ring opening was right on with the mark in the ring groove so we were happy with that.

Since it was his bike I let him make the decisions on everything pretty much. He didn't take off the powervalve cover last time and this time I told him we had to. It was filled with oil so we let it drain then flushed it out with gasoline got it pretty clean but I was hesitant to take it apart and like I said it was his bike so I let him make the calls.

I was wondering if you put anything on the gaskets when you put them on or just tightened them though. I don't recall the manual calling for anything so I pretty much went with that. Is there anything that's required?

We went by the book and I think did a real good job...I would have been more meticulous to my own bike but I was happy just to get the experience. I loved doing it, made you feel like a real mechanic LOL. But I just wondered if you guys could shed some light on those things....I'd greatly appreciate it.


Nov 17, 2001
Nice work! It is rewarding to do something like that. I usually spray my base gaskets with that copper gasket spray. No real reason other than they are easier to get off next time.

How did it feel when the bike started and ran? I remember the first time...just waiting to hear expensive noises that never happened (thank god!!!)


Aug 6, 2001
HAHA that's the worse part. I took off his waterpump gasket thinking he had another one and he didn't lol. So we put it back with the old gasket but it ripped when we took it off and it leaked so he's gonna pick one up tomorrow. I wish I could have heard the sweet sound of success. It was nice to see that the piston moved smoothly but hearing it would be great lol.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Originally posted by jaypro55
Anyone who tries putting in circlips without a rag in the case is either just a complete pro at top end jobs, or a complete nut LOL. Saved my butt about 4 times when trying to get the one side in. We didn't even think of putting the one side in with the piston off the rod until I read through Eric's tips. It's tedious and you have to be patient, but I got it in there properly using the needlenoses with the opening of the clip as far away from the opening in the piston as possible.
One tip either Rich or MXTuner posted years back was to get a disposable plate the size of the cylinder or larger, cut a hole for the conrod? and slide it over, so you can't drop anything in there.

Ya, I still remember "doing" my first top end. These days my mechanic takes over so I just keep away till I hear him swearing at something & go see if I need to do something or keep well away.

I take it where you mention the "ring mark" you mean the locating pin that the gap of the ring sits? Single ring piston? You used new circlips and didn't reuse the old ones?

Your friend has remembered to put oil & coolant in the bike before going to start up?

One last question, when you torqued down the head, did you go across & not next to? i.e. 1,3,2,4 or whatever the order is meant to be?

Sorry for all the questions, it's just niggly little things that I remember having lectures on ;) Hope that doesn't start putting doubts into you. I can't remember what was covered by Eric, but I know it'll be thorough. And yip, I've learnt a lot here too :) (even if I forget the technical names for thingees & whatyacallits)


Aug 6, 2001
Yeah I meant that locating pin there so you know where to put the opening of the piston at. Yes we used new circlips of course. And I was very specific on the torque specs of the head bolts and to tighten them in the "star" fashion. Everything was pretty much perfect so I was very happy.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Jay, you'd be surprised how many people try to save a buck & try to reuse the circlips - I know when I would go to get my piston kit for the 80, I'd get lectures atthe shop about "don't reuse them, we had some guy in here last week....." I asked them how much they were & got told 80c (or whatever the figure was) - the thing was they didn't come with the piston kit, they had to be ordered separately.

Like I said earlier, I didn't want to put doubts into you, and sorry if it pissed you off - just call me mom ;) And congratulations on a job well done :) (which I guess the first post didn't sound that way - not intended)


Aug 6, 2001
Oh no Michelle never once did you upset me or anything. It's tough to pick emotions up from posts so I try not to put any into things, because you sometimes get the wrong impressions from them.

I guess I only have two other questions. One is where I can find the cheapest place online to buy a complete top end kit?...I can recall a place having them for $70 last year and two is which is better to get for trail applications where I want it to last as long as possible, a one ring or a two ring piston? I can recall a post talking about them but I can't recall what it said.

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