Diff. needle?


Jan 5, 2002
I remember reading a while back that someone put a different taper needle in their KX and it smoothed power delivery out (more linear). I've got the stock NAFF needle in my bike now. Clips in the top position and I'm still running a little fat (48 pilot -- stock 52 and dropped one size on the main 160 is stock). The bike chugs great down low (pc pipe and shorty silencer) but when the power comes on, it'll put you in the dirt if you're not ready for it. I'm running it in the deep Florida sand so a little rich is good. Flywheel weight (9 or 10 oz) is probably my next step. Any suggestions?


May 14, 2002
I had the same problem and decided on the flywheel weight. I went to the heaviest weight the Stealey had. I think it was 13 oz. It made the world of difference. It smoothened the power perfectly. Keep in mind I'm doing more woods riding than anything. I would highly recommned the flywheel weight!

If you buy the heaviest weight the guys at Stealey will machine it down for you if you find that it is too much weight. My dealer was more than happy to exchange it for me for a lighter one so I didn't have to worry about it. Some guys who do more outdoor motocross really like the 9 oz weight.


Apr 2, 2002
i had kx250's since i started really riding 250's in 98 and i been running the stock 2000 needle in all my new ones since and it clean up the bottem really well .. and really watch the stock reeds they can cuase a flatstop on the bottom allmost like its jetted fat i can fray and chip in them in a day there really weak for expert level riders ... i think the needle is a n3we ...

i have never ran any weight on the flywheel i rode someone that had one though it was weird no snap just my thought on it


Jan 5, 2002
I think I remember being called an N3 something.... Thanks for the reply!
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