Dirtbike pricing?? Haggling.....


Jan 3, 2002
I am in the market for a new dirtbike, and I am curious how much haggling room I can expect to get with the dealer. With my last bike purchase (2001 CBR 600F4i), I was able to get it for $300 less than MSRP (OUT THE DOOR). The bike I am seriously considering is a 2002 Honda XR250R. the bike retails for $4699. I am hoping I can get it fot $4500 OUT THE DOOR (tax and all). Does this sound reasonable? Would love to hear about your deals with the dealers on dirt bikes. Thanks!



Jun 16, 1999
You should easily be able to get an XR250 for $4500 OTD. Just be up front with the salesman. Politely ask, "whats the abosolute best deal you can give me on this model?" While you're at it, see if they'll throw in a new helmet or something.....:p


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
You could buy one that's a year old and save an additional $1000--minimum. I would buy a '96-'99 and use the extra $ to trick it out. I'm weird like that.

Seriously, there is no difference between the '00 and '02 models. At least look at prices on creampuffs before you buy new.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
$4500 seems pretty steep for an XR250! I think they're selling them around here for $4200 (or maybe less!) and you can pick up an XR400 for about $4500.

Keep shopping.


Feb 1, 2001
Are you going to be racing this at all? A lot of dealers have racer support programs and they will help you out with the price of the bike if you plan on racing. I just got my '02 for $400 less ( OTD)...good luck!


Oct 14, 2001
i bought my 2001 cr250 and the price is usually 5900, it was a year old but brand new. my local dealer told me 5400 and we haggled it down to 5100, but instead went to virginia to get it for 5000 and 2% less sales tax.

the reason the dealer went down so much was that i didn't want the extra couple hundred dollars worth of accessories i could get with the bike.


Dec 16, 2001
Check out few of the online dealers. I have bought two bike from LA Cycles on line and I believe I got a rock bottom deal witout the haggle. If there are any riders in the SoCal area and are looking for a Honda ,Triumph, MotoGuzi or Suzuki, Get in touch with Bob Gregor at La Cycles Also, don't bother with the listed prices. They are actually lower once you get a quote. I think this is because of some legal issues on pricing placed on them by the factory.
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Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
I've always been able to haggle but then again, I'm that way.:debil:


Dec 16, 2001
If sticker is, say $7999, you tell them right off the bat that you will not pay any of those bogus Freight and set up charges. It's horse sh!t and they know it. Pure dealer profit. The factory alots them XXX dollars for the freight and a nominal "set up" fee which is deposited into their credit balance upon sale of the new bike.

Next, low ball them! Say, I'll give you $6799 plus tax and doc fee(ussually $45. Still a B.S. fee but it will make them think they are getting over on you) Of course they will rant and rave that they are loosing money but guess who is really loosing money? You, if you pay too much for the bike!!! They will come back with, say, $7850 and with that you reitterate your price firmly. Let them know that you are here to buy and not to Bull "sheeeite muslum, boy do I like sheep" all day. Here comes the "loosing money story" again........ They will come back with another price, ussually lower than the first and at this point you say thanks, but I'm going to go down to YYYYXXXX Cycles in Wherevertown, USA to buy. I have had about enough of your games. And with that start to get up and walk out. I almost guarentee they will either come very close to your deal imediatly or chase you into the parking lot begging for you to return. This is where the ultimatum comes in. You say,"Either you sell me a bike on my terms or were finished here!" Being the middle of winter, street bike sales are S L O W and they should be very willing to sell to you. If they say sorry we just can't go that low, than you reply," What are you willing to sell for then?" If it sounds legit, you have probably worked him down to the lowball price he can go. Just for giggles, offer, say, $50 less and see what he does.

Now if you end up walking out, go to the next dealer and simply tell them that you just got done with Dealer XXX Motorsports over in Whatever town and you are just about fed up with all the B.S. so give me your rock bottom price. This price will of course be several hundred more than actual but it is a starting point. And then the proccess repeats until you are satisfied with the deal and go for it.

Now if you give that initial low ball price and the first guy jumps on it, you know his actuall selling bottom was lower so make a new offer. Also, at least a 25% discount should come standard and if the accessories are inportant to you make it so. If they sell you an Arai Quantum F helmet at list - 25%, they will still be making a very healthy profit off you so that can be a great barganing toll as well. The goal of the dealer is to make $$ and what they don't make on the bike, they make up on the accessories so they still are getting the money, it's just coming from different places. Don't be shy about it. If you flinch, they know your gonna break and PLEASE DON'T GET" GOTTA-HAVE-IT-ITICE" It's like thinking with the wrong "head" and will make you do something you regret later, ie. shafted on your bike.

Another thing. DO NOT LET THEM RUN YOUR CREDIT FIRST!!!! I can not stress this enough!! It puts the ball in thier court and they will have you over the bon fire before you know it.


Mar 27, 2000
Does anyone have any proof that the factories alot x amount of dollars for freight and setup? The only reason I ask is because no dealer around here that I talked to would get rid of this fee. I walked out on two of them because of it. One of them was a Honda Shop that I had been buying from for years. I guess since I got a Kawi I won't be going back.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
I don't know about mc dealers but auto dealers get incentives and such. I think they are billed for those fees on paper but credited back after sell.


Jul 11, 2001
For excellent information about dealing with auto dealers, read Remar Sutton's "Don't Get Taken Every Time." This useful book is also very instructive for buying a new motorcycle. The key is to control the transaction, and not to let them "work" you.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Many years ago, back when I was just out of HS, I worked for an automotive accessory dealer and the majority of our work was on new cars from the dealers. I've seen & heard a lot of good stories.

It seems there was always at least one customer in a salesman's office each time I was at a dealer. When they tell you they have to run it past their manager and they leave you alone in their office, usually they get a cup of coffee and shoot the bull with some of the other salesman. I remember this one lady came in specifically looking for a blue Nissan and they had 2 on the lot. They salesman did actually talk to the manager and said she only wanted a blue one. The manager said "sell her a red one." He said she hated the red one but guess what, she bought a red one and they all laughed at her when she left.


Mod Ban
Dec 27, 2001

Im in a similar case, I'm going to be getting either a 02 or 01 kdx soon (hopefully!). The 02 is 5800 (cdn) what do you think I could get this for out the door?

The 01 is used and is 5500 (cdn) with some brand new tires and a TCII scilencer. Since its used could I still get them to go lower? What do you think this one should go for out the door?


Oct 31, 2001
The out the door prices for my KTM,s

Cash money out the door prices I have paid for my KTMs, since 98

1998 (new 380sx)=$5000.00
1999(new 380sx)=$5000.00
2000(another new 99 380sx)=$5100.00
2001(new 01 520sx) $6000.00 , 56 mx races on it and sold it for $5100.00
2002(new 02 520sx) $6100.00
All from different dealers and if you have an out of state address you dont pay sales tax here in Indiana.
We are not required to register them either.I also saw a dealer invoice on a still unsold 99 380 sx (what the dealer paid for it new)for $4125.00
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Mar 7, 2000
I got my 2000yz125 in Aug of1999 for 4150 out the door. And that was before the scheduled release date, they had miss shipped a couple before time. Smoking deal, i got to race the whole washinton state championship series with the only 2000yz125, the guys from LYNNWOOD YAMAHA didn't beleive me when i went in looking for a new chain, they had to go out to my truck and look to see that i really had one. they did not like the small shop getting them before the big ones.


Dec 16, 2001
Well, this was from the horses mouth when I was buying my 02 400 EXC. I bought it in the box and since I ride with the salesman, he threw out all the chips onto the table. When I bought my 01 DRZ from LA Cyles, Same-same.
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Sponsoring Member
Dec 30, 2000
Sandbar, NY
Originally posted by JMD
The key is to control the transaction, and not to let them "work" you.
Great advice. Never get worked by a salesman. If he keeps "excusing" himself 2-3 times to talk to his sales manager, your getting worked.


Nov 5, 2001
get this:

in san diego, one dealer was charging $1500 uncrating fee on top of the $6300 for the crf450!! they wanted $8500 out of the dooor with tax and everything. that might sound bad but it is a similar story everywhere in SD. i think if i ever get a new bike i will get it online or drive out of state. it makes me really mad that they wont sell you a bike without charging you ludicrous money just top bolt on a wheel. i think i will save up the money and just walk in to the dealer with a wad of dollar bills. something tells me they will be more helpfull when they see you leave their shop with a load of cash that you are going to give to their competitors
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