Doing first enduro this year with re-done XR


Mar 3, 2000
I am totally psyched, I have my first enduro in 2 years this Sunday
down in southern jersey, the Beehive. I have worked on my XR250
for the past 2 months or so. I put on a dualsport kit, redid the
suspension front and back, put on a SRC fork brace, unbaffled
the exhaust and rejetted. Now the first test on a 75-mile enduro.
I heard it was a nice one, I never did this one before. I'll give
a full report on Tuesday. Happy riding
Nancy :D


May 16, 2001
Nancy, I am going to the Beehive too and this will be my first enduro. I was wondering what equipment I'll need besides normal bike/safety equipment? I have a roll chart holder, do I also need anything else?


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Enduro stuff

A cheap digital wrist watch is a must. Set it to the master keytime clock then subtract your row number, i.e. keytime for all ECEA events is 8:00 a.m., if you are on row 33, when the master keytime clock is at 8:00, your watch should be at 7:27.

An odometer helps, but mileage should be marked at all major turns unless the club does a crummy job of marking. Just match keytime for the turn to your watch and don't go until it's your time, unless you're late. I had a problem with this at Speedsville and burned two checks by going in hot.

A ride report posted on DRN is mandatory!


Mar 3, 2000
didn't make the enduro

KLX, I didn't make it to the enduro, got sick and couldn't make
the 3 hour drive, the 75 ride and the 3 hour drive home so I had to
cancel. Boy was I in a bad mood on Sunday all day! Did you go?
How was it. Sorry I didn't get to respond to you but I was out
on Friday. Let me know all about it, I was so disappointed, hope
you did well. There is another one in Sept down the shore if you
would be interested, we could hook up. I ride with a few other
people too, we would have a blast
Talk to you soon


May 16, 2001
I had a blast! My normal riding buddy had a bike problem but I met a guy on the ecea website that was trying an enduro for the first time as well so we got on the same row. The ride was alot of fun and pretty challenging for me. The terrain wasn't very hard, mostly flat and dry with small hills and lots of trees, much less sand than I expected. BUT, it was so tight in many spots that you are constantly working the bike around the turns and trees that it was very tiring. The temp was only about 85 degrees but I got very overheated near the end of a long tight section that I had to stop and take a breather, which basically ruined my time. I was out of water at that point and when I got to the 2nd gas stop I was so exhausted and my camelback was bone dry so I felt that I should stop for the day. I was too concerned that I would get some heat stroke or something if I went back into the woods with no water so I decided to call it a day. So my first enduro ended in a DNF but that's OK, I'll go to the gym some more and get myself in better shape for the next one. Great day of riding, can't wait for the next one!

Woodsrider, I took your advice about the watch, etc. I took the easy way out though and followed the guy on my row that had a computer and got a perfect score on 4 of the checkpoints. They were faster than me so they lost me on 4 others, the last one I was like 25 minutes late because I had to stop and rest for a while. Next time hopefully at least I'll finish. :)


Sep 20, 2000

Wow you did great!:) I learned to have extra water/gatorade at the gas stop. The best way to get into shape, is ride, ride, ride. I was in good shape last year when I did my first enduro in many years. I was tired by the second check, trees,trees,trees. I hadn't been riding enough.

Luckily I finished that event. But haven't been able to finish the last 3 enduros that I've done in the past year. You'll do well in the next one. You could always blame the KLX.:p


May 16, 2001
Jonala, actually the KLX is what got me as far as I did. If I had been on my last bike I never would have made it that far (dr350, 50 lbs heavier than klx).

All the tough guys in the parking lot who asked how I did were told that I didn't finish because I had an "overheating problem". I may have neglected to tell them that it wasn't the bike that was overheating. :D

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