
Oct 25, 2000
Has anyone ever tried the Don Joy knee braces? I am leaning towards the braces from Asterik, but the Don Joy's are in the same price range so I thought I'd ask.


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
I love my Don Joy. The price was very right on mine. Nothing. Insurance bought me one after I got hurt playing football. I have the top of the line one though, and it's not in the same price range as the Asteriks. Personally, if the insurance hadn't bought me one, I'd probably have some Asteriks right now.


Jul 12, 2001
I've been using Donjoy defiance braces for the last couple years. I think that these are the best braces out there. I removed the inside hinge covers and replaced them with leather covers to keep from scratching my plastics. These braces have life time replacement on the frame and hinges. I've had five replacements. They probably would have been hospital visits without braces. I've also made custum shin and knee gaurds out of $13 plastic knee and shin gaurds by trimming to fit the gaurds through the straps. When I have them replaced it only takes 3days. I cannot say enough for this company. they have treated me like a bigtimer. The braces I have cost $900 each but well worth the money in the long run. My reps name is Jeff Casseler in Kansas. Their customer service # is 1-800-336-6569. If you get donjoy braces I would be glad to email you a picture of the mods I have made to make these work even better.

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