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Dec 31, 1969
Sorry about the Amber thing ladies, looking back I should have known better.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Hey, Okie, don't worry about it. Some people are more easily offended than others.

You can make it up to us by finding a good-looking hunk of male eye candy and put him on there too. :p

This has been such a great site that I'm not leaving because you put a pretty girl in a tight dress.

I thank you for all your time and effort in creating this site . . . and I hope nothing makes you decide to give it up, ever. Looking forward to meeting you at the Spodefest.


Aug 13, 1999
Wow, I missed the whole fray until it was closed. Saw the picture on Friday but didn't have time to post. My post would have been in line with Kali's, Nikki's and others that stated they were not impressed or more accurately, that they were offended. I would say I was more disappointed than offended but Cindy Gross said it best. As for leaving, never crossed my mind.

Okie, you did the right thing by removing it. I am impressed both that you did so and that you apologized to us. Who knows, maybe the whole discussion opened up some eyes, I am sure something positive came out of it. :think:

Firecracker, it isn't just that some people are easily offended. I think most of us are fed up with the whole trophy girl mentality and that is what the image portrayed. You gotta admit, the trophy girl image doesn't help us recruit more women to the sport and it doesn't help us gain respect in the sport.

As for the male eye candy, I have a feeling it would be kinda like the old tool girl posters that used to be prevalent in construction when I first started (one of the few women in heavy construction management). The boys had tool girl posters in almost all their offices. I put a men's swimsuit calendar up over my desk and the boys were offended - they didn't feel comfortable coming into my office. Funny thing was, I couldn't have cared less about their tool girls but they raised a fuss over my calendar so they ALL went away.
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Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I guess I get sick of the thin-skinned easily offended people and I almost feel sorry for the guys sometimes. It can get carried away, like the LBZ ads, but I did not feel the picture of Amber was out of line at all. If I don't like something I don't look at it. I think DRN members (in gear or in street clothes) wearing DRN products is the best solution. If you put Amber in a t-shirt with riding pants or jeans, there isn't anything for anyone to scream about. I just felt that Kali went overboard and that's my personal opinion, NOT an attack against her.


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Originally posted by firecracker22
You can make it up to us by finding a good-looking hunk of male eye candy and put him on there too

Oh ok, I'll do it!


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Hmmm. It sure got quite in here.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
I don't get offended easily, and as for the Amber pic, doesn't bother me as I don't often go to the front page anyway, but even if I did, to me it's not a big deal. I know Okie asked our opinion initially when using Amber, and everyone at the time was pretty cool with it, though I think most of us were reserved in judgement until we saw the pics then either hated it or indifferent or whatever.

I haven't read the whole thread, but read some of the posts, and as far as I'm concerned, I'm not going to bother reading it. I only saw Kali's post against it, not Nikki's & Cindy's. Frankly, it's the guys' responses to the pictures that I find unnecessary and whilst it may be flattering for the women involved (this goes for other threads too where people have posted their pictures), I think it's offputting. I don't walk into the jocks room & make comments about "wow small *****". I get fed up with the portrayal of women in magazines too, but it doesn't stop me reading them, however if I'm limited to buying 1 magazine, I know which one it is - the one with the positive portrayal of women riding bikes, not wearing over-priced tops to show off their boobs (no point mentioning the names, as they're not American anyway).

Don't bother calling me a prude or a bitch or anything else, it's water off a duck's back (I ain't no prude, if I was I couldn't do the job I've got or have done other jobs through the years).

Bbbom, I agree with your stand on the whole issue. One woman Henk worked with couldn't see the similarity between a guy's calendar & a tit calendar hanging up, so when they offered to hang up a stick calendar in the lunchroom, she got the message & put it somewhere else. I've hung up guy calendars too, and the guys never said anything or else they had to lose theirs too ;)

As for Kali being thin-skinned, she has her reasons, some of which she has told us and "going overboard", walk in her shoes, with her feelings, her experiences and then say if she went overboard or not. I don't want it to turn into a fight between us Firecracker, or anyone else, I'm just stating my opinion on the whole thing as I've seen. If I was going to revoke my membership here, I would have done it a long time ago, but sorry folk, you're stuck with me. I am indifferent to the picture, it's the thread and the fighting that I'm upset about. I know a lot of you are friends, and I don't think it's something to lose friendships over, we need more women members and women riders and bickering isn't exactly going to help. I thought women dirtbikers were different, guess I'm wrong - yeah, I know, we're still women under the dirt, but this is bull****.
(sorry for the long post, but I'm fed up watching the bickering between us women).


Mar 7, 2001
Girls I sure hope that you will forgive and forget. I think it was an honest mistake and more of just an oversight on his part. Seems like he was just thinking like a normal guy and was trying to make the boys happy. And, i know he was careful not to have any type of nudity, so that is 2 areas he was trying to cover. He just maybe wasnt thinking at the time about the possibilities of the female members being so offended and i know regrets dearly ever having been, shall we say, slightly inconsiderate. Hes only human just like the rest of us! And also, as far as the posts that were in that thread go, everyone IS allowed to have and share their own opinion and hopefully nobody has taken it too personally just because theirs might differ from someone elses, regardless of who it might be or even if it is against the majority. I also think it was a good idea to remove the entire thread especially since you already decided to remove Amber's picture. I forgive you Okie :)


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
I'm ready to move on. I think we've beaten this dead horse enough.

Okie, no need to apologize. You've still got the best thing going on the 'net!
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